Friday, December 29, 2006/3:31 PM
People... i have msn. Please add me at
I would love to chat with you guys.
I am not going to be here for new years eve. I will be at Malaysia celebrating HAri Raya HAji.. How Ironic..
/3:31 PM
People... i have msn. Please add me at
I would love to chat with you guys.
I am not going to be here for new years eve. I will be at Malaysia celebrating HAri Raya HAji.. How Ironic..
Monday, December 25, 2006/5:47 PM

I just had to put this picture because it is an hour before dinner and i am very hungry.. and hurlafebonagumi would know that i have a very large appitite... at mary's mom's wedding remember??? god... i love this picture.. what ever you do, do not lick your computer screen...
/4:55 PM
so.. how is your holiday guys? any holiday romance? any trips? really.. please share.. honestly. i am really sad. you know why? you know hulabagi.. my heart and soul. i am not going to be seeing them at all next year.. AT ALL.. not in p.e, in mother tounge.. sniff. recess is all i've got with them.. but one thing is for sure, we will never seperate... because HULABAGI is all about female unity.. the bond we share between us cannnot be compared. . hulabagi.... you complete me..
But of course, i will not forget HURLAFEBONAGUMI... i will be seeing frine and rre during p.e.. that always cheers me up.. and of course, i have ppl like saly and ally, they will keep me company, so that secondary two wouldn't be such a drag..
I really think the education system in singapore is really whacked...

isn't this a cute picture??? awww... hands up kitty!!! you are gonna be arrested for starting the anti-hello kitty association!!!! shame on you...

You know what made me post a picture of my ADORABLE niece fildza? mary's blog.. a picture of her cousin... well, let me just say.. right back at you LA.
Thursday, December 21, 2006/11:57 AM
Ladies and gentlemen , i have an announcement to make... MY SISTER IS GOING TO BE ENTERING MY SCHOOL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! AAAAAAAAAAAAARRRRRRRRRRRRGGGGGGGGGGHHHHHHHHHHHH... it was already hard enough to live with her at home, but at school??? argh. i am so frustrated.. i am gonna choke on some instant noodles...
Tuesday, December 12, 2006/3:40 PM
I love MAGGIE MEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I am obsessed with instant noodles. It is very dangerous because i might just blow up anytime soon. Literally. I might become fat. imagine me fat....
well i have to say something... Listen to christina aguilera's the right man. to die for...
Thursday, December 07, 2006/10:59 AM
Hello people,
I namira nasir have a grave confession...
I don't know how to link or re-link people.. So excuse me if i never do such things at the moment.
My holiday is great. Mostly dance. But still, its great. we were discussing how wasted our november has been. Eating, sleeping, cca. Computer eating cca.
My condolences to band members who have to suffer under harsh circumstances in your stuffy, overcrowded band room. My condolences.
Alright people.. Gtg. or as effess would say it, namira out.