Friday, January 18, 2008/6:15 PM
alamak... nanyang polythecnic.
Friday, January 11, 2008/6:22 PM
Nanyang poly was nice. But I'm not joining. I don't enjoy the courses. I only like the fountains there. Very dramatic.
Yesterday, me and mary were coming home from KFC lunch with Nabilah, Jean, Ain, Amirah, Hanisah, Nurli, Xue Jing and Atikah. When we were at the bustop, laughing at don't know what, a guy walked past and sat beside us. And I swore, he was talking to himself. Like literally. He was having a two-way conversation, with himself. Me and mary couldn't control our laughter. It was soooo funny. And btw, he wasn't wearing ANY earpiece in his ears. And there was no one beside him. Unless it was a very thin midget.
Then, when maryam and me boarded our respective buses, we saw the guy walk away.
Which makes you think. We could have been very well on a new candid camera show.
Dear 4/7 boys....
Wednesday, January 09, 2008/7:47 PM
So hi guys. So, look at me, I am dedicating ONE ENTIRE blog post for you guys. That's how special you guys are to me.
So let's get down to business. You guys have been giving me a hard time, haven't you boys? About my new year's resolution. The last one to be exact. About me wanting to have a boyfriend this year. Well, isn't that a big hoot? So funny arh.
Honestly. Its not that funny that you guys have to make a bet on whether I would choose Hanan or Eng Liang to be my boyfriend. Well let me just make this clear, I would choose neither. Neither. They are just friends of mine, okay? Like you guys. So if you say that they can be my boyfriend, you are saying that you guys can be my boyfriend. And that wouldn't be very pleasant, wouldn't that?
So let me just acknowledge the masterminds behind this whole scam. Let's all give a round of applause to Khairul Azmi and Ammar Zafran. They were the two boys who created the bet in the first place and had to involve all of the boys in 4/7. I must say, that whole bet thing was inspired. And immature. But we honestly cannot blame them. They are always like that. wooh.
So let me just get this clear again.
thank you azmi and zafran.
Oh yeah, just in case any of you guys get any funny ideas, just remember that time I whacked Zafran with my AMATHS textbook. Remember that only twice as harder.
stop apologising. i cannot hear you.
wah... cheerleading arh.
Monday, January 07, 2008/5:35 PM
guess what. Mrs. Low is intending to start on the cheering competition. Now. When it is like 65644465535 years away. She is so, what do people say, kan chong or something. So, we were all excited to stray away from maths for one period. Then, we were all semangat to talk about the cheer. Then, Mrs. Low wanted to talk about the attire. So we were all 'listening'. And then, she proposed we wear headbands. If that wasnt bad enough, she wanted us to attach balloons to our heads.
just kill us and spare us the humiliation. please? I cannot stand it. please?
Get a brain lah 'grace'.
Saturday, January 05, 2008/5:30 PM
So today was CCa open house. Where we try oh so desperately to 'advertise' our CCA to the oh so young sec ones. And honestly, I feel that the secondary ones this year have attitudes that need to be dealt with. If someone gives you a flyer, you don't wrinkle your nose and say, 'umm... no. I don't want to join dance.' You just take it, say thank you and take the balloon.
NPCC had their own performance. Some gun flinging thingy. And it was cool I guess. The sunglasses, did them no justice. They looked pretty impressive. The kids there were so cute. We met Mrs. Ang's son and we was the most cutest little boy in the world. He was holding Mahir's baton and poking it at me. I was taking my balloon stick and poking it at him. Naturally, I am a born fencer. But, that boy was competition. We flinged that thing so hard. So then, I took Azmi's rifle and pointed it at him. He looked at it as if he wanted to snatch it from me and eat it up. Then, he went to the NCC booth and took the gun from there and pointed it at me. I was stunned. That boy is superb. I salute you and your mother. Hopefully, she will give me an A for chemistry.
Then, I met Mrs. Neo's daughter. She, ladies and gentlemen, was the most angelic angel in the whole universe. I have never seen a girl as innocent as that. She was sooo adorable and I can't help but squeezing her cheeks. This girl, Mrs. Neo says, loves balloons. But when I attempted to give one to her, she just rested her head on her mom's shoulder and stared at the balloon with terror. Then, I attempted to carry her. But then, she started crying. And here I taught, I was a master at handling babies. God.
So, let's just see how many people join dance and how many people join NPCC.. haha.
lets love today.
two thousand and eight...
Tuesday, January 01, 2008/2:49 PM
So, like maryam said on her blog, one million things happened this year. Secondary Three. I think our level has like gotten closer abit, you know. We are more closer in a way, we know more people in our level, we have definitely made more friends. I think its great. But its no point making more friends if we always find fault in our friends and get into fights. No point at all. But hey, lets just consider it as a mistake in 2007 and not make the same mistakes in 2008. Let's try.
Everyone has new year resolutions. I have some here. Just your average girl new year resolutions.
1) Study harder so I can get into JC. (yeah, like the rest of the world)
2) Get my priorities straight. Because I don't know what the hell I want.
3) Treasure my friendship with my girls (HLBG) with more extra care.
4) I want to know my classmates better. I bet there are people who still don't know my name.
5) Try to get all A's. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA.
6) Watch all of Johnny Depp's movies. Including SWEENEY TODD and FINDING NEVERLAND which is an old movie. haha
7) Save money. Alot of money. So I can spend it. Irony.
8) Not abondon this blog.
9) Memorise alot of words which meaning I don't know.
10) Get a boyfriend. YES I SAID IT. GET A BOYFRIEND FOR MYSELF. I think its time I get this whole 'singlehood forever' thing over with.
So yeah. And a lot more. Thats for me to know,.,.,.,.,.,
I love ya.