Happy 100th Post, Jenny
Sunday, March 30, 2008/9:13 PM
Okay so this is my one hundredth post. I don't see a reason to celebrate yet. I am going to celebrate my one hundredth and eleventh post. Because it is 111. It's a nice number. So yeah.
You know, I had my flag day on Saturday. It was a bittersweet adventure. It was fun, but it was absolutely pointless for me, shazni and meridyn. It was funny though. We were so semangat and went to singapore expo, bedok, geylang, plaza singapura and chinatown. It was really fun and we enjoyed it. However, our tins were super empty but who cares? We had fun. Did I mention that we were the last team to arrive? It was soo damn funny. Me and meridyn were panicking and all that. When we arrived there, there was practically this standing ovation by the St. Johns people. It was really embarrassing. All the senior were like, 'Oh congrats. You are the champions.'
Mann, I have so much homework to do. But so what.
And can you please ask hulabagi to stop asking me for photos?
Education Nation.
Wednesday, March 26, 2008/8:03 PM
God. This is so irritating. I am listening to my mum scolding my brother and teaching him how to spell keledek. She is making to big of deal of it. And she's like shouting and I can't hear anything.
Sigh. These days, in kindergarten they are teaching the kids to spell sengkuang and all that shit. I remember learning how to spell three letter words like dog in my K2 years. All the education is shifting up a notch. Sooner or later, they'll be learning how to find the log of the amount of chocolates your teacher has in her hands. GOD!
Okay. Back to my education. I scored 10 over 20 for my stupid matrix test. Stupid, insolent brackets. BUT HEY! I got 15 over 15 for my rate of change test!!!
okay bye
And, I need you.
Monday, March 24, 2008/10:32 PM
Right now, I am merely staring into my computer screen, glancing at my open literature textbook laying in front of me. God. I hate literature projects. I see no purpose in doing them. Oh well. What needs to be done, needs to be done. I hope you all like my new blog skin:)
While it is still the 24 March of 2008, I would like to sy this.
happy birthday to you....SO yeah. TOoday, I walked to school with Syafiqah. And I was telling her the entire plot of SWeeney Todd (which she does not know. sheesh.). it is really fun reliving the entire movie. I love it. I love the story. I love the barber. I love Johnny Depp.
TOday, me and the girls in Hulabagi were having this great laugh about rubber-band-shaped moustaches and fringes that I had stomach cramps soon after. Can I just say this? I LOVE MY HULABAGI BABES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
There is absolutely no time to even blink these days. My eyes are always half-open and it sucks to yawn all the time. Please do not pressurise me to update my bloggay...
Okay. I must sleep now before my forehead slams on the keyboard and I start typing random letters and numbers and numericals.
Thursday, March 20, 2008/7:28 PM
Monday, March 17, 2008/7:32 PM
You must be asking me, 'Namira! What are you still doing online? Shouldn't you be studying for the 52750275 tests you have tomorrow?' Well people, I decided to update this blog first before doing anything. Because, I feel a sense of unrest in myself. I must update blog. Must update blog. (cue rhythmic dancing)
So I am all achy because I had dance and I didn't stretch!
I know. Sorry. I might be limping tomorrow. So don't get all Mas Selamat on me OKAY!
Okay, what else. Oh yeah.
I all of sudden have this resolution and this hunger to be a lawyer. You know, defending the innocent (even though your client is guilty and you know it) is quite thrilling. I know I have been changing my dream jobs. (from chef to person who fixes remote controls) but I have a good feeling about this one. I hope.
God... I need new songs in my MP3.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008/5:59 PM
I came back from my weekend trip to Malaysia. It was quite interesting. You know, it's weird, when I was in Malaysia, I couldn't stop thinking about my blog. How unupdated it was. So, I was listing in my head all the topics I could write about on my blog. It was a writer's rush that I could never explain.
So, I went to malaysia for a relative's relative's wedding. It was suuuppeer cool. Okay. So, there was this major strict disciplin at Woodlands Immigration Checkpoint. It was really funny. There was this one police guy who kept pointing at cars to signal for them to move to the next line. My dad was being so cynical and all negative about it. He kept saying that it was rude to point at people and that the checkpoint should enforce more courtesy. After our car was checked 347807 times (which is really dumb because since when will Mas Selamat hide in the boot of a car with a family of five wearing baju kurung in it and all), when zoomed off to danga bay.
You know, while driving around malaysia, I noticed that the Malay language is really limited. I don't know why. But while singapore has really nice names for shops like Parlor De' Excellence, Give your hair the true golden treatment it deserves.... But then, at malaysia, they name their hair salons names like Tempat Gunting Rambut (Place to cut hair). It is really annoying. Names in singapore for car garages are like Honda Mechanical Service Centre. At malaysia its called Tempat Membaiki kereta(place to fix cars). it makes no sense.
You know recently, there was an election in malaysia. So everywhere you go, you see all these posters and flags convincing people to vote for this particular government part or whatever. So in johor, there is this certain street linking to the highway. The ENTIRE ROAD IS DECKED WITH BLUE FLAGS WITH THE GOVERNMENT PARTY's LOGO ON IT. Which is pretty dumb. What are these people trying to say? 'Oh. We can afford to buy alot of flags instead of helping to solve the financial crisis in Malaysia. Vote for us.' ...
I love the food in malaysia. You have to admit that one of the reasons why malaysia is sooo popular is because of the food. At the wedding, the food there is soo fantastic. Wooh.
okay. i have to go. my dad is back.
Monday, March 03, 2008/9:53 PM
wooh. here I am baby. here to update a blog. wooh. semangat.
Okay. I got my CA1 marks todae!!!! wooh. okay. I sort of did better than last year. which is a huge relief because I dont want a 21 for my O'levels.
WOoh. I am very happy for my math(s). Because I got As! Big bummer about the sciences though. I got C's for both. Oh well. Will work on that. SO all and all I got 16 for my L1R5. Now that isn't too bad isn't it? better than a twenty one I always say... Okay, I don't always say that but you get the point.
So today, school was normal. But now, I officially do not like a person in my class. I won't tell you who he is, but yeah HE is a HE. so, figure it out.
He made fun of me and I nearly cried. oh well. I dont think he is worth me crying. He's not worth much really.

He's hot isn't he? well. he is my next ambition.
Saturday, March 01, 2008/9:23 PM
So, today in the morning, we had cheering practice. ALmost the whole of four/seven showed up. We had roti prata which mrs low bought for us. It was raining. SO we couldn't practice at the parade square and ended up in the hall. Which is better. I guess.
So we had to initiate an entirely new cheer. And we managed to do it. It looks great. The boys are sooo enthusiastic and for once, I am not being sarcastic.
we may actually have a chance at this thing.
After that, me and family went to Jurong Park. And it was really cool because they had all these trees planted by important people. Presidents, prime ministers and the Queen Elizabeth the second herself planted a tree there. It was really nice. Had lunch.
THEN! WE WENT TO THE SINGAPORE MUSEUM. It was one of the coolest places i have ever been to. After that, went to plaza singapura.
yeah. I always stop abruptly.