take notice of what is in front of you
Saturday, November 29, 2008/9:00 PM
Okay you agitated lot. Namira Nasir is here to update my blog. There are alot of new things right now. Well not really. Just one. My dad bought a laptop!!! (!!!!) Can I express my excitement right now with anymore exclamation points!! HAHA. A SONY VAIO PEOPLE. And despite what you think, no, I am not updating on my laptop. My siblings are conquering the laptop at the moment. Yeah, but still.
Can I make it clear to everyone now that I am not, repeat, NOT, working this holiday. Even if I do, I will spread the word to all of you first. I will throw a working party or something. Yeah just thought I should make it clear to all of you while there is still doubt in the air.
Okay right now I am going to post several pictures on my blog so that all of you can see. It seems as though pictures capture more attention than mere words. As they say, pictures speak louder than words. Okay... No. That's not the saying but you get the picture. Haha, picture. While you are looking at these pictures, please bear in mind that it is HULABAGI you are looking at. Not some explicit content. You have been warned.

for crying out sober,
Wednesday, November 26, 2008/6:43 PM
Alright, everyone has said it. I think the word Syafiqah used was 'unfulfilling' but really. CAN HOLIDAYS GET ANYMORE BORING-ER? You know children, when we reach this age, it's not weird to admit that you like school. Just say it. We do. I guess we have outgrown toys and storybooks about princesses and fairies that we have to find some other sources of entertainment. Like school. Not exactly school per say but more of schoolmates, girlfriends and food.
You want to know what I did today? Well, I woke up after a terrible nightmare about my O'levels. It went like this. We were getting our Malay O'level marks back and there was this MCQ paper. I KNOW MCQ! And then we took our marks and showed them to some Pizza Hut guy who bought me flowers. This is what happens when you think about the O's too much. Well, after waking up I played PSP (gasp I know.) It is when a girl falls for the lights of PSP-ing and boys' pastimes that we all must realize that we have hit rock bottom. GAH.
Well, since I have nothing else to do, I might as well perform some obligations that have been assigned to me by Duane Tan. I might be breaking some ancient ritual of mind if I do not complete my responsibility of doing that quiz I have to do. This is the first time I have ever done such a thing so this will be quite interesting.
Okay.. Here goes.
Starting time: 16:31
Name: Namira Binte Abdul Nasir
Shoe Size: 6
Height: 173
1/2 cmPlace of Residence: Pasir Ris, Block I cannot tell you, Unit no. mind your own business, Singapore.
Have you ever....
Broken someone's heart? : Yes, I think. Only once.
Been on a plane?: Yes. UGH. Don't remind me about that nightmare.
Fell of a chair?: More than once.
Fallen asleep at school?: Who hasn't? Especially on Thursday for some apparent reason. During Maths.
Sat by the phone all night waiting for someone to call?: Not all night. The people who usually call me call punctually. Either that, or I call them. I really appreciate it.
Saved e-mails?: I don't even read my e-mails. I have 707 unread messages in my inbox. I only open specific ones. If you don't believe me, I'll show you one day.
What is your room like?: Normal teen girl room. I have a bed, a mattress, a cupboard, two mirrors, two desks, two chairs, a sofa bed and a bag compartment. Yes, I share a room with my sister.
Last thing I ate: Double whopper with cheese. No onions.
Ever had chicken pox?: Yes, when I was seven. I had to lock myself in my room so I don't breathe on anyone.
Sore throat: Yes.
Broken nose: haha, no.
Do you believe in love at first sight?: No. I'm not a skeptic of love but I think you need to know the person to fall in love with them. You don't immediately fall. You get to know them and then you fall for them.
Do you like picnics?: Yes I do.
Who was the last person you danced with?: My hulabagi girls.
Last person who made you smile: Ammar Zafran, my boyfriend.
Last person you yelled at: My brother. He was playing with my beloved Amaths textbook.
Today did you...
Kiss anyone: No.
Talk to someone you like?: Like as in friend or not hate like? Then yes. If like as in crush like then no. He is not online. Why are these things never clear?
Fall sick: No. I got better though. I was sick yesterday.
Talk to an ex?: No. I only have half an ex. It didn't even count, really.
Miss someone: Yes, of course. Like I said, he is not online. And neither are my best friends.
Eat: Um.. Yes? Refer to double whopper.
Best feeling in the world: To know that you are loved and that you love yourself. Oh and when you don't get scolded by your mom when you come home late.
Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: Yes a teddy bear holding four hearts. His name is Dennis Valentine. I was very young when I named him.
What's under your bed?: A loch ness monster. Haha no.. My former school bag, my PSP, Dennis and a photograph of Johnny Depp. Don't know how that got there.
Who do you really hate?: People who hate me or cannot tolerate me. Or people who think Johnny Depp is gay. Oh wait, that is the entire boy population of my class. So no I don't hate people that think Johnny Depp is gay. Most.
What time is it now?: 16:58
Random Questions:
Is there a person who is on your mind now?: Yes. His name is Duane. And I am going to get him back for making me do this dreadful quiz. The questions are not even specific.
Do you smile often?: As much as I can. To people that will smile back.
Do you have any siblings?: Yes. My sister Nadia and my brother Abdul Hakim. They don't act like humans though.
Do you want children?: Yes, at least five.
Do you like your handwriting?: WHAT? It's inconsistent, unorderly, messy and unco-ordinated. Of course I love my handwriting.
Are your toenails painted?: No.
Who's other bed than yours would you rather sleep in?: Haha. What a question. Not going to answer it though.
What colour shirt are you wearing now?: Black. Shake it don't break it. haha.
What were you doing at 7pm yesterday?: Talking to Zafran online.
I can't wait till: This quiz is over. No, not really. I can't wait till Pirates of The Caribbean 4 comes out.
Are you a friendly person?: When I want to be.
Do you have any pets?: No. I am physically unreliable to care for a pet. I learnt that from experience.
Where is the person you have feelings for right now?: Upper Changi Road East. If he is at home that is. I don't know where he is.
Did the last person you held hands with mean anything to you?: Of course. Who doesn't love their mom?
Do you sleep with the TV on?: NO. Hello? GLOBAL WARMING.
Have you ever crawled out a window: Yeah. And I got stuck.
Are you too forgiving?: To people who matter to me. But I won't change.
Are you closer to your mother or your father?: My mother. But my dad is very close. I love you mum and dad.
Who was the last person you cried in front of?: My sister. Sorry Nadia.
How many people can you say you really loved?: Not including my family and my best girls, one.
Do you eat healthy?: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA! ME? EAT HEALTHY? OH GOD THAT IS FUNNY. No I don't. Don't take my word for it. Ask anyone.
Do you still have pictures of you and your ex?: I took one with him on grad night.
Have you ever cried because of what someone said to you?: Yes. I am a very sensitive being.
If you're having a bad day, who would you most likely to go to?: One of my best friends or my boyfriend.
Are you loud or quiet most of the time?: Embarassingly loud.
Are you confident?: At the appropriate times and venues.
5 things I was doing 10 years ago:
1) Inventing really cool and outrageous words like calimasale.
2) Learning how to cook instant noodles with my toy set because my parents refused to cook it for me when I wanted or needed a fix.
3) Watching Sesame Street and dancing to the theme song.
4) Singing this song:
Shalala, Shalala, Getting ready to go home.
Say goodbye, to teachers, goodbye to my friends.
Goodbye Teacher Juliana, goodbye Friends.
See you on....(cracking my brain to remember what day tomorrow is)... TUESDAY!
5) Beating up my neighbours who were mischevious little critters that always kicked their soccer balls at me and calling me names like 'FAT' and asking me to go get killed by a power ranger. I will get you one day Azman. Don't think all because you moved I don't know where you are.
5 things on my to-do list today:
1) Clean my room.
2) Watch POTC 1,2 & 3 at midnight.
3) Tell my parents I love them.
4) Finish reading The Confessions of Adrian Mole.
5) Do this quiz. Oh wait, I already did this. Okay, then. Scold Duane.
5 things I would do if I was a billionaire:
1) Take over Yahoo, Coca-Cola industries and TWILIGHT.
2) Build a million houses for all the poor people in the world.
3) Do humanitarian work at Africa and bring along Hulabagi.
4) Bring my family and Hulabagi on an around-the-world trip seperately.
5) Go on a shopping spree. (can you expect anything more from a girl?)
I won't save anything because I don't think I have anything left to save. Oh, well.
5 of my bad habits:
1) Not cleaning my room regularly.
2) Walking in a very weird fashion that confuses a lot of people.
3) Being overly sensitive.
4) Dancing in public.
5) Over trustworthy.
Tag 8 people to do this quiz:
1) Johnny Depp.
2) Robert Pattinson.
3) Jude Law.
4) Sarah Jessica Parker.
5) Tina Fey.
6) Ryan Stiles.
7) Katie White from the Ting Tings.
8) That guy from 90210 who is Annie's hot boyfriend.
Yeah you guys, call me when you're done with it.
hulabagi; my heart and soul
Tuesday, November 25, 2008/7:32 PM
I am supposed to do some quiz thingy that Duane tagged me to do or whatever it is that people make you do to get to know you better. Haha, but honestly. What any particular detail of my life that all of you are unaware of? I can't think about anything that would be considered interesting about myself that is not known to the public yet. I was supposed to do that quiz but I thought I would give you all an overview of my little outing today. Most probably all of them would blog about it soon enough but I'd thought I'd toss in my particular experiences.
I knew we should have met up earlier. I KNEW IT. And no everyone, Namira Nasir was not late this time. In fact I was the earliest. I know, you can all gasp in astonishment now. I went there with Syafiqah. To the Pasir Ris Interchange by bus. Siska and Maryam were late but I honestly couldn't blame Maryam because she had to lug my bag and Syaf's bag that we left at her house during the preparations for graduation night.
getting ready, for the night of nights... It was definitely the night of nights for me(:
Did I mention that I met Hanan? Yes, I did. I squealed when I saw him because I get very excited when I reunite with friends.
Once all of us was there we had an emotional group hug and made our waaay to the MRT or Mass Rapid Transport or whatever. We saw LYNN AND JEAN!! Haha. It appears as though we four weren't the only ones headed to town that day. During the journey it was impossible to get a single quiet moment between us. Our conversation revolved mostly around TWILIGHT. The press and reviews it got after a weekend of showing, an apparent gathering of Twilight Fans in Singapore on the 5th of December and how hot Edward Cullen is. We reached our stop and continued or girl talk for the rest of the outing.
First destination: Topshop.
Before I say anything, I wanted to maintain our outing along the eastern boundaries of Singapore but nooo. I wanted to stay near Tampines or something but Maryam, Siska and Syafiqah were so determined to drag me to town against my will. So I reluctantly went but honestly I couldn't refuse. The idea of shopping with my girls at City Hall was intruiging.
At Topshop, we walked around whilst looking at clothes I knew I could never afford to buy at the moment. Shiny and delicious bags and accesories lay before me in an endless array of delictable fashion goodies. It was like being in a candy shop, with the smell of baked chocolate and fresh vanilla wafting in the air. After that we went to Zara which was no help at all to my fashion withdrawl. Walked around and around. Stopped by Esprit and John Little (contains laughter) where Mary and Siska bought some stuff. Mary bought some make-up items including a sparkling black eyeliner and Siska bought some ahem ahem. HAHA. I'll leave it to your imagination.
While Syaf and Siska went into Esprit for a spill, me and Mary slipped into Body Shop (with absolutely no grace at all because we made alot of unnecessary noise) to look for Syaf's present. Once I gave her to OK for one of the things she spotted, we shimmied back into Esprit (again, no grace at all) and tried as we did to not look suspicious, we were bad at it. Go figure. Muahaha. After browsing, with Syaf in tow, I distracted her by bringing her to the Sesame Street Live Show that was occuring there while the other two went to purchase the present. Amazingly, it worked like a charm. I found myself too incapacitorily screaming when elmo came out, larger than life. Sigh, I love Sesame Street.And no Syafiqah, the blonde guy was not hot. (remember the thing I told you about foreign performers? mhmm...)We then went to PIZZA HUT for a girl's day out lunch. We were treated WITH THE BEST SERVICE I HAVE EVER RECEIVED BY A WAITRESS IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. She was very gracious and helpful and attended to our every need. LIKE MY PEPSI WHICH TURNED OUT SO SWEET AND YUCKY I HAD HALF A MIND TO SPIT IT OUT. Her courtesy was remarkable. I would have given her a promotion if I was her superior. This is what we ate.Siska: Barbeque Chicken Pizza with Pepsi. (student meal)Maryam: Super Supreme Pizza with Pepsi. (student meal)Syafiqah: Beef Lasagne with Pepsi. (student meal)Namira: refer to Syafiqah. But Pepsi was icky and I demanded for an exchange.Others: Fish O' and Sweet and Spicy chicken drumsticks that I had none of because I don't eat drumsticks.After lunch, we went to the Esplanade for some casual time out from our notorious day out. HAHA. The girls got irritated at the sunglases I was wearing because it was a very glaring sun shiny day and they didn't have their shades on them (muahaha). We then saw some School of the Arts (SOTA) students and revelled upon the chance of us going to SOTA while having a cool hangout place like the Esplanade.We went to roof or whatever to lepak. We took a gazillion pictures that the girls will post on their blogs soon enough. OH YEAH. AT THE ESPLANADE RIGHT, WE SAW THIS COOL MOVIE SHOP THAT HAD A LARGER THAN LIFE TWILIGHT POSTER AND OTHER COOL TWILIGHT AND JOHNNY DEPP MEMORABILIA ITEMS INSIDE THAT WE WERE TOTALLY IMMERSED IN IT. Yeah man. Johnny Depp and Edward Cullen are the second and third most hottest men in the world respectively. We all know who is number one... Well I do.We met Hasif at the rooftop and he liked to disturb me about me wearing sunglasses. He said that when I wore them I couldn't see anything. Hmph. If he wasn't Mary's Boyfriend and wearing a really cool hat I would have told him off. Haha no lar. He is a very nice guy. Right, Mary?Well to round it all up, I HAD A BLAST WITH MY FAVOURITE GIRLS IN THE WORLD. I AM SO LUCKY TO HAVE BEST FRIENDS LIKE SISKA, MARYAM AND SYAFIQAH. THEY ARE THE BESTEST BESTEST GIRLFRIENDS EVER AND I WOULDN'T TRADE THEM FOR ANYTHING IN THE WORLD. NOTHING. WILL I EVER FIND BEST FRIENDS LIKE THEM IN A LIFETIME?? THE ANSWER IS NO. NO I TELL YOU! WE HAVE TO DO IT AGAIN GIRLS BECAUSE I FEEL SO ULTIMATELY HAPPY WHEN I AM WITH YOU GIRLS.XOXOXOXO. Hulabagi is the sex.
ah the folly of a child
Monday, November 24, 2008/5:38 PM
Hello kawan-kawan. Yes, yes I'm here. You can all sigh in relief and remark on my long-awaited presence to grace you with yet another window to my life's experiences. So, what shall I talk about today to bring you all up to speed? Let me just say first I expect this blog post is going to be a long one so I will be disheartened if you do not read it. But if you're breezing through, that's acceptable too.
So, last Saturday, I went to my class barbeque at Wan Lin's house. It was really fun and unexpected. I went there with Zafran because we had to buy a birthday cake for Yong Xing. So we met up earlier and watched Madagascar 2. It was REALLY funny. I never thought I would crack up as much as I did. And there was this really cute boy who Zafran thought was irritating who kept laughing and talking during the movie. As in during the most inappropriate time to laugh in the movie, he was bursting with laughter and we couldn't help ourselves but to laugh too. Children are so incredibly cute when they really don't mean to.
So when we went out of the theatre, it was raining like haidjfhadjkffa. And we had to get to Wan Lin's house because we were already late. So we had to buy an umbrella from Giordano that is baby blue for ten dollars. We took bus 89 and while boarding the bus, Zafran actually shielded the cake from the rain. I was then giving him hell about his self sacrifice for a pastry.
So when we were there already at the condo, me and Zafran was lost, in the rain, with nothing but a cake and an umbrella. After wandering around for a while in the beating rain, we finally found Aaron at the right condo block. After a long travel up seventeen storeys in a grand golden elevator with a mirror, we arrived finally at Wan Lin's house which is the most coolest thing ever.
Wan Lin, Wan Lin. Why haven't you told me that you live in a castle?! A three storey castle with its own balcony on the roof. And people, the roof's view can see all the way to the SINGAPORE FLYER! WHAT?! I know. Remarkable. Well only such a castle can befit a princess like Wan Lin. Haha.
We sort of had to wait for a while before the actual barbeque because it was raining and all that. So I played some cards drank Sprite (there was no coke, sadly) until the rain finally subsided and we could start. I was then absorbed into a heated discussion about Naruto which I contributed to very well for that matter. I had to dodge several comments by Eng Liang, Tricia and Duane who are skeptical about my true loyalty to the Naruto series. And then they started talking about Anime and I completely switched off. I went up to the balcony to disturb my other friends. I took a hesitant turn at trying to cook the chicken. I just spread the butter on top of the raw chicken. Wan Lin and Yang Ting was getting down and dirty while trying to pierce through the chicken with skewers. After that, my alert eyes spotted a woman dancing in her home at the building across from us. I breathed word to my classmates who watched her (especially the guys) with wide eyes. When she finished her Ballet routine which was pretty good I dumped the buttering duty and walked around whilst mingling with my classmates. After a while, I went to the barbeque pit again to see the progress made. Hadi Lee was trying his luck as head chef this time. It was hilarious. Terms that were unfamiliar to many like Nigerian Chicken and Maycomb Chicken was brought up with very good reason during the barbeque. And! I even saw Hadi apologise to a raw piece of chicken. No, Hadi. I will never let you live it down. Even though the food was satisfactory, the conversation amongst friends was wonderful. I love spending time with my class. Too bad only half the class showed up. It would have been funner (pardon my English) if more people were present. But it was still treasured in our hearts. Like Wan Lin said, we have to do it again some other time. Conversations were vast. I would talk about it but what is said among the class, stays within the class.HAHA. Okay I have to jet now. But thank you for actually reading this far if any of you actually did. Whoever read this far must say BUTTERSCOTCH on my tagboard. This is a study I intend to run about how many people actually finish reading blog posts. So if you did finish reading my blog post, type in BUTTERSCOTCH on my tagboard. You must not say why you said it otherwise other by passers may be aware of my study and it would not be valid anymore. So thank you once again.
Thursday, November 20, 2008/7:25 PM
Hello everybody. Right now, I am typing with a feather-like touch because I cannot type too loudly. If I do, I might aggravate my father. His mood is very fragile right now. I cannot take any risks or chances.
Why might you ask? Well, it appears as if my phone bill has soared this month to an amazing sixty one dollars and forty seven cents. I know. And it is ironic this time that when I could have used too phone (mine and my mother's) I manage to go overboard for the first time. So I really pushed it this month and I don't know whether my dad is angry or not. His face is sort of blank at the moment. He spoke to my sister who also went overboard this month though not as much as I did so I think he has cooled down. For now.
As you all can assume, my handphone has been confiscated. I cannot see it for the next month and I emplore all of you to see reason. For all of those of you who want to contact me, please call my house number. Do not say I didn't warn you because I did. So don't get angry at me if my handphone is switched off or if I don't reply your sms, which is not so much of a change for most of you.
Let me tell you something, handphone bills change people. For instance, while my parents were deliberating on the fate of me and my sister, for the first time in our lives, Nadia and I did not want to go out of the kitchen. We constantly kept looking for things to wash or clean and this was a big shocker. Another thing was that the person whom I expected to freak out (my father) didn't. In fact, my mother went severely overboard. Wow.
Alright. Bye people.
hey moon, please forget to fall down
Monday, November 17, 2008/9:46 PM
So. Holidays. I think I have been through this before. I think I have blogged about this before in fact last year. This conspiracy known to us as the holidays.
Holidays, such a cheery word. Usually we would welcome this word with open arms, but now, we can't help but to miss school. Yup, I said it. MISS SCHOOL. How wrong does that sound? I mean, at school at least you can chat with your friends face to face, disturb your classmates. You know, DO SOMETHING. Right now, I am at home thinking about what to do. I was deliberating with a particular classmate of mine (Duane) and we were discussing about the need to find jobs at this point of time.
It was highlighted several times about the need to have a job, or otherwise known as a source of income. Money. We all need money. We need money to go out, recreation, new clothes, watching Twilight twenty seven times. All these activities require money. You might enquire 'What about our parents?' Ah, parents. Our current source of financial aid. We look to them now with an outstretched arm so that they can obligingly place a sum of money into our awaiting palms. Well, we're sixteen. We cannot solely depend on our parents for money. We need to go out there, explore and get that money for ourselves.
On that note about age, we are after all, just sixteen. There is no upmost neccessity to obtain a flow of income by ourselves right now. We might not be considered as children anymore but we are considered fresh and inexperienced to adulthood. We are known as teenagers. Gah, what a fickle-minded word. We are neither children nor adults. So what to do, what to do? How do we solve this dilemma of ours? How to we escape this contradiction?
Always ask yourself these questions before you take that step into the working world:
1) Do I really need the money?
2) Am I qualified enough?
3) Am I too lazy to commit to a proper job?
Ah well. I do not see a job anytime soon in my future. But then can someone tell me what am I supposed to do with all the free time that I have? I can't just stay at home and count how many cracks there are in my ceiling (six and a half). That is so stupid. If a job is what it takes to get me out of the house for a reason then I might just consider it. Otherwise, looks like its going to be a dull few months for me. However, I could just spend my time with my friends (and someone else). But of course, I could. I could hang out with all of them. But it appears as though my primary sources of accompaniment is either in Hong Kong or at their class chalet. The wait for their return is indeed agonizing but I shall prevail.I'm up for suggestions people. Know that.
Sunday, November 16, 2008/2:34 PM
I wonder. Hmm.. I don't really know what I should do right now. I suppose I could post my prom pictures here but there are a lot. And I am not saying that it would be tiresome for me. Hell, I already did it. It's in my DRAFTS. But I am deliberating now on whether or not I should post it. Because if I post it(there are quite a number of pictures) people could so easily take them from my blog. Not that I don't want you guys to, but I kind of like the feeling when someone comes online and says 'hey, can I have that picture you took with me?' It's really nice you know; sort of like a sensation to be honest. So I don't know. I'll give it some time first. Let all of you sizzle in anticipation.
PROM/GRAD NITE was WICKED! Absolutely brilliant. How can anyone not have enjoyed themselves? I loved it. Well, other than the food and the fact that I was called on stage twice. One of which I had to dance to a stupid slow song by the Click Five. Really you know. If they had not made my song (JENNY) I would so hate them right now. But yeah, I can't deny it, I had fun. On stage and off stage. Bloody fantastic.
/12:09 PM
Friday, November 14, 2008/1:08 PM
Hello everybody! I know I have not been here to update as frequently as I have been but I can explain. No, I have not suddenly developed a monstrous laziness habit whereby I do not update and all that crap. But because I came home half an hour late one day, my father has been in a bad moodish mood these days that is is very hard to send anything across to him. And what's worse, he confiscated my broadband modem. Therefore, my family has been on a diet of TV and sleeping to entertain ourselves whilst being at home on weekdays. Furthermore, my mother has had to restrain herself from her frequent korean and japanese dramas (with subtitles) and it made me feel really bad because those dramas are her life.
Let's talk about WALLET WATCH. Well so far, I have not taken my poor domo. So it is still in the bedok neighbourhood. Oh well. poor baby.
You know what I have just realized? I should be spending my time with my hulabagi girls right now preparing ourselves for prom nite. Just so you know, I am using maryam's laptop(mac book) right now and I feel like such a journalist typing on this computer.
I'm coming Syafiqah and Maryam!!! Can someone tell Syafiqah that she is not going to get kicked out from prom? And can someone tell maryam that her dress is not SLINKY?????
Ode To My Wallet
Monday, November 10, 2008/8:24 PM
You know there have been a lot of people who have sassed me about not making another ez-link card since I lost it in August. But I always knew somewhere in my irresponsible being that some kind soul would return it to me sooner or later. I mean, there was always a throbbing and nagging feeling in myself that kept telling me to go make a new ez-link already. But no, I ignored that feeling and followed my gut instinct.
And now ladies and gentlemen, my wallet is sitting in the police station at Bedok, waiting patiently for me to come claim it. Oh what a reunion it will be. I think the police officer will have assumed that I am a twelve year old because my wallet is DOMOKUN. Or in other words, it is in a shape of a cartoon character. I wonder how my wallet managed to find its way to Bedok. That's really far compared to where I lived. Oh well, I'm sure its adventures were thrilling but it's time to come home.
Don't worry DOMO, mommy's coming for you.
On other trivial matters, today was physics and it was really fantastic. It was relatively easy but I shall not dwell on it. I don't want to jinx it. Oh well.
Did you know that a China actress named Gong Li is now a Singaporean? She's a Lo'real ambassador. And now she is a Singaporean. Wow, are we all so popular here? I think it's good though, at least it is being made known to the world that Singapore is actually a very fantastic country that it would actually attract the citizenship beautiful make-up spokespersons. Yup you heard me.
Singapore is an exceptional country. I am not joining the hoard of teenagers who wish to migrate to other countries. Singapore is a perfectly appropriate and sane country. I mean, where else can you use Singlish and statement additions like lah or kiasu? It is unacceptable in other locations. I am not implying that I am such an avid fan of the use of such sayings but its very local and distinct. Like ice kachang.. Not that migrating would be a bad idea but its better to keep it close to home in my opinion.
I'll make it a point now to post pictures of my good memories whilst in secondary school at the end of my blog. Some sort of nostalgia keepsake. A retrospective window to the past.

These are the girl pictures of my favourite girls in the world. Next post, I'll put the guy pictures on display.