Wednesday, December 31, 2008/10:07 PM
Shhh. Shhh. Do you people hear that? I think god is laughing at me because I am writing on a blog. If you dont know who I am, I shall leave you hanging (cause that's what i like to do, right Namira? ;) )
Ok, ok it has been some time since i blogged, so lets see if i got every thing i need to blog.
My checklist:
1)Keyboard - check
2)Monitor - check
3)Mouse - check
4)Brain functions - check (well i think its still working)
I am sure i am forgetting something. Oh right...
5) Breathe - Check
Well that seems to be in order, so let me start with a few warnings (if thats how you put it).
1) Dont expect magical writing from me. If your looking to be fascinated by fabulous writing skills, get Namira to write a narrative compo for you
2)If you dont like how i write, im terribly sorry, but i just cant please everyone cant I
3)If the warnings above seems rude, i apologise, its just a matter of how you percieve it.
I am going to reflect on my 2008. So bear with me if you have decided to read on.
Well 2008 started of well for me. It was a year where i had to take my national exams. Well if there is something about myself that i realised, its how much i have grown as a person. Note: This is not self-praise. I have pushed myself harder than i could ever believe. It was not just about doing well, it was more about me being able to silence the demons within me. I didnt exactly do well for my PSLE, that led me to feeling that i had failed myself somehow, and for the next 3 years which followed i had very low self-faith/confidence. Well i managed to bounce back.
Socially, it was a roller coaster ride this year. I lost friends, and gained some. I wasnt always there for some friends when they needed a shoulder the most. I admit, at times i was selfish, all i cared about was myself. That changed, when i almost had a breakdown myself. I realised how blessed i was to have the support of my friends and my family and i changed, i was more willing to give support to anyone who needed it. i have to say, i got very hot-headed as the exams approached. To those who got shouted at by me, i am terribly sorry. Oh yea i would like to talk about 141108 but you know how it is.
Well thank you for reading this. I have loads more i can write about, but i shall leave that for the next time, if there is a next time. I am drained right now
/10:03 PM
What I want in 2009.
1) Good O'level results. BORING..
2) To have a sleepover with my hulabagi chickays.
3) To make sure that I don't lose contact with my secondary school beloveds.
4) To dance like there's no tomorrow.
5) To keep inventing words. (I have a new word. It's DELAFRIQUE)
6) To work because I want to pretend that I have a CPF account linked to my medisave.
7) To go to a museum or some premeire sort of thing that would give me a reason to wear a va va voom dress.
8) To not abandon this blog even though I will be swarmed with my new found education.
9) to get a new MP3 because my one is spoiled because if you put the earphones to it only one side can be heard and you know the gist.
What I hope for my family:
1) For my dad to stop saying that he is old and for him to stop thinking that I don't want to 'hang out' with him anymore because I'd rather hang out with my friends.
2) For my mom to stop worrying about the way she looks because she is beautiful just the way she is.
3) For my younger sister Nadia to gain more self confidence in herself and find a boyfriend that would make her understand why I act this way when I am with Zafran. Oh yeah and for her to do well in her first year of upper secondary.
4) For my younger brother Hakim to not be so absorbed in his PSP and hopes he does well in his first year of primary school.
5) For my entire family to know I love them dearly.
What I hope for the world:
1) World Peace (...)
2) To stop gender prejudice and find equality in both men and women because both genders are powerful in their own way.
3) I want every single child in the world to have an oppurtunity to control their future and develop themselves no matter what their financial status may be.
4) I want the world to stop inflicting damage to our environment because some of the damage is irreversible and we want to stay on this planet for the longest time as possible.
5) For all sons and daughters to love and be grateful for their parents.
6) For everyone to find love and be in love because love is the most magical thing in the world.
In Year 2020:
1) To have already found myself and what I wish to do.
2) To be happily married with the love of my life.
3) To go to university and major in Law.
4) To earn $18000 a month (:p)
5) To still have girls' night outs with my HULABAGI and to never lose contact with them.
6) To continue dancing because dance is my passion.
7) To have my mid-life crisis a little early because I want to get it over and done with.
For 4/7:
1) For everyone to get ridiculously fantastic results for O'levels and get into university and do whatever the hell they want to do.
2) For Duane to snap out of the quiz phase of his and find love and become the President of Singapore.
3) For Faqiha to be a successful cardiologist be the powerful woman she is.
4) For Meridyn to love whatever she's doing and continue to grace the world with the beauty and dance.
5) For Aana to get a high paying job because she deserves it and continue writing because her writing owns and for her to appreciate twilight. (like that's ever going to happen)
6) For Hadi to continue being unbelievably sarcastic because it is hilarious and to write a book about 'THE POWER OF ROCK AND ROLL.' by Hadi Lee.
7) For JUN HONG MY SAYANG to find a hot girlfriend.
8) For Eng Liang to share his love for NARUTO with the world.
9) For Hanan to be in real love and for him to be taller than me anytime soon.
10) For Aaron and ahem ahem to hook up already.
11) For Andrea to realize that she truly is beautiful.
12) For Sabrina to stay cute and sweet for as long as she lives because it is so darn lovable.
For all my biatches, sluts and beloveds:
1) For my SISKA AMEERA to get a boyfriend and name her guitar and rock at playing it AND GET TO A FREAKING AWESOME JC.
2) For MARYAM ALJOFERI to stay hot and manages to go to MASS COMM or A FANTASTIC JUNIOR COLLEGE so that she can realise that she is smart.
3) For SHARIFAH NURSYAFIQAH to go to a MAJORLY BRILLIANT JC and own the entire JC population in both brains and beauty.
4) For NABILAH ZAHARAH to get less than ten points like she aimed for and for her to find a boyfriend so that the triangle of me, azmi and her shall be completely taken.
5) For KHAIRUL AZMI my son to rock at soccer and be a major heart throb at MJC.
6) For ALYAH to finally get to marry UMAR and EMMETT. Wonder who she will choose.. hmm..
8) To watch Pirates of The Caribbean 4 with FARREHA.
9) To make sure Farah is my twin sister FOREVER.
10) Lastly for Zafran to find eternal happiness and for him to get to the JC of his choice so that he can look hot in his uniform like he always does.
/9:51 PM
ah yes 2008. where did the time go? I have no bloody idea. Probably stuffed in a box somewhere in RIO.
Right now, I am at the Asian Civilisations Museum at the Singapore River for the apparent 'countdown' occuring here. It is swarmed with teenagers and families alike who are trying to spend the last hours of 2008 with someone(s) special. You know the best part? The Fullerton hotel is like right opposite the place I'm sitting at and there are people coming here in tuxedos and ball gowns and they look so glamorous and pretty it makes my stomach hurt. There is also the 91.3fm crew here playing their list for the Top 50 songs of 2008. Right now the song is Clumsy by Fergie. That is number 24. 24!
I will update with my LAST POST OF 2008 LATER! ;) hahaha.
if you're reading this, you know what I'm talking about.
Friday, December 26, 2008/9:38 PM
/10:26 AM
the other 25 questions of the quiz:
26) Are you in high school?
27) What jewelry are you wearing?
A ring on my right hand. The ring makes me look more mature because all of my cousins wear rings and they look cool.
28)Is anyone on your bad side now?
Yes but he/she is not supposed to be. If only I didn't have a blog.
29) What's the first thing you do when you get online?
I see if anyone interesting is online. If no, then I will appear offline. If yes, I will still appear offline. And if Zafran or one of my hulabagi girls come online, I will mysteriously send them an IM and it makes me feel so cool.
30) Do you watch Grey's Anatomy?
Sometimes. I love the whole McDreamy and McSteamy idea, it's super imaginative.
31) How do most people spell your name?
N-A-M-I-R-A-H. Yeah the add the H when they first meet me. Guys, when I say my name, does it sound like my name has a H at the back? Hmm...
32) Would you wear your boy/girlfriends clothes?
Why not? If the times comes when I really do need to then of course I will. Why? Should I feel adversed to the idea?
33) Where do you work?
I do not work. But I do the chores at home like cleaning. But I don't get paid. Perhaps it's voluntary.
34) What are you doing tomorrow?
I am supposed to attend some gathering at someone's house. But I am still thinking twice about it because my life would be at risk if I go to this person's house. Quite nervous.
35) Is Justin Timberlake becoming the next Michael Jackson?
No. Justin Timberlake and Michael Jackson are their own seperate icons and legends. Justin Timeberlake is Justin Timberlake and that is honour enough.
36) Favourite name for a girl?
Jenny/ Puteri Aliana( I was seven)
37) Favourite name for a boy?
Muhammad Amri.
38) Will you keep your last name when you get married?
Yes of course. Because I don't have to change it. Meanwhile, I would never change my name for the world. Thank you parents for my beautiful name. Namira Binte Abdul Nasir.
39) When was the last time you left your house?
Yesterday when I went to Changi Point to eat. I will talk about it when I blog next time.
40) Do you return your cart back?
Yes because in Singapore if you don't return your cart to your origin, you don't get your dollar back. OUR GOVERNMENT/SUPERMARKET MANAGEMENT IS SO SMART. Singaporeans are very money minded.
41) Do you have a dishwasher?
No. Besides, it doesn't clean as well. And I love washing dishes. It's like dancing.
42) What noise do you hear?
Not noise but music on my best friend's livejournal. If you're reading this, I LOVE THE SONG ON YOUR LIVE JOURNAL. I like the latest post too, it's really sweet. ;) How's canada?
43) Would you survive in prison?
No I would not be able to survive in prison. Male or female (haha farah). It's like waking up in the same room every single day and memorising all the cracks in the wall... wait, I'm already in prison. joking..
44) Who is the youngest in your family?
My brother, Abdul Hakim. But he has a girlfriend! HAHAHA. HAKIM HAS A GIRLFRIEND. HER NAME IS ASYURA.
45) If all of your friends were going on a road trip, who would most likey overpack?
Maryam!!!! We've all decided to go on road trips when we get older and we have realised that out of the four of us, MARYAM will overpack. She'll probably bring her room. And Wally. And Ziggy. And Uno.
46) Do you anyone with the same name as you?
No I don't. But if you go to friendster and type in Namira, there are quite alot of girls out there that share the same name as I do. It's like Faris would say: You're unique, just like everybody else.
47) What's the last thing your purchased?
A can of mushrooms from sheng siong.
48) Do you siblings ever pay for stuff for you?
49) What brand of pants are you wearing now?
Odd. It doesn't have a brand. Awkward...
50) Ever been to Georgia? (the state)
What the heck, I'll just finish it now.
THE NEXT 10. ooooooh.
51) What irritates you most when you are on the internet?
ahem ahem. CONGRATULATIONS. YOU ARE OUR 25043924th VISITOR. THIS IS NOT A JOKE. [Click to claim] Firstly, what the hell is with the number? Most of the times, the number is this weird unnatural number. Secondly, it is twice as irritating when you actually press the freaking button.
52) What brand is your digital camera?
Canon. Delighting you always.
53) Do you watch movies with your parents?
Yes I do but it is usually cartoons or animations because my brother cannot handle 'adult' movies. I have to cover his eyes sometimes and it is really irritating.
54) What song best describes your life right now?
Guilty Pleasure by Cobra Starship. I love it.
55) Do you own expensive perfume/cologne?
Yes but I only use it on special occasions.
56) Are you taking college classes now?
I wish. Anything would be be a break considering the ultra bland holidays right now.
57) Do you like sushi?
58) Do you get your hair cut every month?
No I don't.
59) Do you go online everyday?
60) Will you pass this survey to 5 people?
FIRST OF COURSE I WILL PASS THIS ON TO MY BELOVED DUANE TAN WEN JUN. Oh this quiz is too perfect for you DUANE! YOU'LL LOVE DOING THIS QUIZ! It's only sixty questions. BWAHAHahahahaha. SO hyper.
I would like to thank Farah Ain my beloved twin sister for blessing me with the quiz so that I can implicate it on Duane. I apologize to my hulabagi for having to do this but hey you'll have fun. just do what i did. cut it into sections. i love you. and you, yes you reading this. just do the bloody quiz.
no point in dreaming
Thursday, December 25, 2008/10:54 AM
Before I say anything, everyone go to Syafiqah's blog and watch her videos. There is one that I am particularly fond of and when you watch it, you'll know why. Haha, so incredibly hot.
Right now I am appearing offline because I love appearing offline and there are currently 0 people online which is pretty interesting. I love going online and appearing online when there is no one online. I feel like the winner in a competition. I know it's so over the top but hey, don't forget whose blog you're reading. Am I the only one online on Christmas Day? I am so not going out today. Practically everyone is having an off-day today.
When I was younger, I used to imagine a day when no one in Singapore would work. The bus drivers would take a day-off, the cashiers would take a holiday or the pilots just won't work on that day. People won't go shopping, no one would be able to fly in or out of Singapore. No one could go to the zoo. There would be no public transportation on the roads. Even the police would dump protecting the society. People would just go to the park where there are no opening or closing times and spend time with their families that doesn't cost a cent.
And then I realised, it doesn't make sense.
Why am I telling you all this? Well, I guess we should let our imagination fly once in a while. We should notice how the part of our mind that lets our thoughts wonder has strangely depleted with age. This is, however, not applicable to several. Those who dare to dream, dare to think outside the box. Dare to imagine a world outside their own. Can anyone our age write a story about princesses and dragon slayers anymore? We cannot blame the advancement of technology because this allows us to broaden our horizon further but we are only putting it to use for, academics or work.
Where is all of this going?
Goodness why am I so random? I wasn't even thinking about that. I was like thinking about what my mom is cooking in the kitchen when I spouted out all of that nonsense. I should go straight to the point next time.
finally, someone who understand yugloslavian
Tuesday, December 23, 2008/8:14 PM
TAGGED BY FARAH AIN MY TWIN SISTERRR!!!1) When was the last time you ran?
Today when I realized I was late for my date with Zafran. Oh I wasn't that late.
2) Do your jeans have rips, tears, and holes in them?
The ones that do have tears that look cool but I don't wear them because my daddy says no.
3) What are you dreading right now?Finishing a 60-question quiz. But other than that, normal stuff. Like washing the plates, cleaning my room and oh yeah. MY O'LEVEL RESULTS.
4) Do you celebrate 420?
Oh yes I do. I celebrate it annually. I would celebrate it if I knew what the kuscencrackers that was.
5) Do you get the full 8 hours of sleep a night?Depends on who I spoke to last night (: or on whether I drank coke before I slept which I usually do.
6) If anyone came to your house on your "lazy days" what would ya'll do?-Read post about little children breaking into my house- Yeah that is what I will do. But I won't hide because normal adults don't open your door without your permission.
7) Who last grabbed your ass?
8) Have you ever been on your school's track team?
Uh no! I cannot run two metres without stopping to pass out and gasp for water and complain about my legs being detached from my legs.
9) Do you own a pair of Converse?Yes they are red and I wore them to school on several occasions. You heard me. TO PASIR RIS CREST SECONDARY SCHOOL. I walked in front of Mr.Azhar even but all he said was 'Wow this place become like Orchard Road liddat.'
10) Did you copy and paste this survey?Do you know how agonizingly tiring it is to continuously type out questions when you can just copy and paste them? Technology is remarkable, you know.
11) Do you eat raw cookie dough?
Depends on which cookie dough you're talking about sweetheart. If you're talking Betty Crocker then hell yes. But if you're talking Nona, hell no.
12) Have you ever kicked a vending machine?Yeah duh. Bloody machine gave me coke ZERO instead of normal coke. I wanted to take the coke and smash it in the sign that says NO REFUND.
13)Don't you hate it when the radio ruins good songs by playing them over and over?
Well depends really. I don't listen to the radio. If the song I love is playing over and over I wouldn't hate it at all. I would dump whatever I'm doing and dance.
14) Do you watch Trading Spaces?Is that the one that the husbands switch wives for like a week or something and then the children reaks havoc on the poor parents and then when they return they have to give like ten thousand dollars to the other couple? Wait, that's trading spouses. Oh well, close enough.
15) How do you eat oreos?When I buy a packet. I take half and dip that half in milk and take the other half and dip that half in peanut butter. When I feel really loopy and retarded at home, I would put one milk and one peanut butter, smoosh it together and make a quadoreostacker you would say.
16)Have you ever stayed online for a very long time waiting for someone?No. Usually it's the other way around. I'm not very punctual but I have waited for someone to come online but that took only fifteen minutes. heh heh.
17) Are you cocky?
What a retarded question. If I really was cocky I would say 'Of course not! People love it when I tell them how it is and about what a fantastic person I am.' If I wasn't, I would go 'I don't really know really maybe I am. But if I am I would like to formally apologise to the people I have been cocky to. It was stupid, reckless...'18) Could you live without a computer?Like asking me to live without talking. Physically possible but mentally impossible.
19) Do you wear your shoes in the house?
When I was lazy to take off my school shoes I would just crawl inside and avoid contact between shoe and tile. fool proof.
20) Who or what sleeps with you?
Dennis Valentine (my bear who holds four hearts) my handphone on silent (what's the point) my pillow (one pillow one bolster) my blanket (which is so cool) and my wallet (don't want to lose it again)21) At what age did you find out that Santa wasn't real?Yesterday.22)How many phones, house phones and cell phones are in your house?house phones: 2
working cell phones: 3
not working cell phones: 4
toy phones that have ben10 stickers on them: 323) What do you do when you're sad?Wonder why I am sad in the first place. eat chocolate and say 'hey, I am going to watch illegal movies online.' and I perk up.24) Who would you call first if you won the lottery?
Duane to pay him the five dollars I owe him.
25) Last time you saw your best friend?
Last thursday. God I love those girls (:Here is the first 25 only. You don't know how tiring it is to edit this thing. To put red colour on the questions and black on some of the questions so that you people don't have to highlight it to see the questions. I am so considerate.
/8:28 AM
okay these are just some photos of twilight that I wanted to share because they are so pretty. So here they are:

This one is for you, Alyah. Breathe Alyah, breathe.

I found this rather cute.
what are they teaching kids these days?
Monday, December 22, 2008/10:06 AM
You know, it is impossible to stop laughing when I think about the incident that occured yesterday. I was at home alone because my sister was at a camp at ngee ann poly and my parents went to send my grandparents home with my brother. So there I was, with a 1.5 bottle of Coke in front of my laptop in my living room, leaning on my sofa. I was watching a movie online (what? sue me. okay not literally please) when suddenly there was a knock on my door. I went to answer it when suddenly I heard who they were. Yes, THEY.
My neighbours who are children: HELLO HAKIM ARE YOU AT HOME? HELLLLOOOOO!!!!!!!! (shouting in the most ear-piercing shrieks I have ever heard in my life whilst banging on the door loudly)
Boy 1: HAKIM!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME OUT NOW!
Namira: what the hell. (quietly so they cannot hear me)
So I decided to return to my computer because I had told them countless of times that Hakim was not at home. They refused to believe me because I think that they think that I don't want them to play with Hakim because they play with him EVERY SINGLE DAY so they continuously knock on the door until he comes out. Well, I know they are children but still. Children have malicious thoughts in their minds. Well, I did when I was a child. But I suppose that was just me..
I continued with my computer-ing and turned the volume up louder so that I can drown out all those children's screams and hollers. But to no avail.
Children (altogether now. TEAMWORK): HAKIIMMMMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! COME OUT NOW WE KNOW YOU ARE INSIDE.(opens my house door)
Children: HAKIMMM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OPEN THE DOOR WE WANT TO PLAY WITH YOUR SCOOTER!
If you are wondering why they did not acknowledge my presence then it was because I was hiding behind my sofa. The sofa's back faced the door so I was kept hidden from view from those evil doers. I was in half shock and half amusement.
Girl (yes there is a girl hakim plays with and I always disturb him about it): GASP. There is his scooter! The keys are on the table. Go get a long stick and get the keys, open the door and get the scooter.
oh my god.
Boy 2: But there is no stick here!
At this point, I had half a mind to go outside and teach them something about their vocabulary and whacking. AND ABOUT BREAKING INTO PEOPLE'S HOUSES! OMG WHAT ARE THEY TEACHING CHILDREN IN SCHOOL THESE DAYS? I cannot believe that they were this close to breaking into my house. I was like laughing (silently) so hard that my stomach hurt.
Dear readers, when we grow up and have children we should really teach them about not breaking into people's houses. That's the first thing I am going to tell my child.
Jenny, what's the problem?
Sunday, December 21, 2008/10:58 AM
Why do I feel so confused when the answer is so clear right in front of me? Should I really question myself at this point of time? Should I want something else when everything is so perfect as it is? Why am I doing this to myself?
Because I cannot resist it. I cannot resist something so perfect and there. It doesn't feel right for me to want this but how could I possibly not want it? I don't want to regret.
I have to let myself decide. Let myself take a chance.
what a nightmare
Saturday, December 20, 2008/1:15 PM
I think it is common for us secondary four persons to have a nightmare once in a while. I think it is inevitable to dream about something we don't want to. I think that is the case for everyone. However, there is one common, particular thing that we will dream about. It was never in the post-examination description that we would suffer from insomnia.
Ah yes. The O'levels. How do we survive? We thought everything would be jolly and fun after the O'levels. And we never thought that we would be depressed and suffering in the comfort of our homes or the bars of our rooms where reminders of our secondary school education lurk in every corner of our haven. Reminders like physics worksheets, or maths files, or geography textbooks or even our class photo. Oh how our heart aches when our eyes befall upon these items as our mind jets back to the awesomeness of our secondary years.
I had a nightmare yesterday and it was kind of weird. I will write about it while I can still remember it. While it is still etched in the corners of my thinkful boundaries. It happened like this:
It was our O'level result day and it was arranged that or results would be given to us aboard a ship or a boat or some manner of floating transportation in the middle of the sea. All of us were in a Casino drinking lemonade when suddenly the results just appeared in my hands. The person next to me was Syafiqah. She scored ten points and I scored nineteen. But for some reason I was happy because when my CCA points were cancelled off, I scored ten too, like Syafiqah. Nine CCA points. Boy was I a good dancer. And then me and Syafiqah were jumping around estatic until Johnny Depp came up to me and told me that I was not a dancer but a cheerleader and cheerleaders don't get CCA points.
So all in all, I scored nineteen points for my O'levels?
A dream? Or a foreshadow? Could it be better or worse?
flipping through my MP3
Friday, December 19, 2008/7:38 AM
Well, I've not listened to the songs on my MP3 for a while. Mostly because it is spoiled and if I put earphones on them, I can only listen to one side because on the other side there is basically silence. A mute. Ironic really when it's basic purpose is to pump loud music in my ear. I think MP3 manufacturers are sarcastic people.
There are a lot of songs that I've missed incredibly on my MP3. Songs that have not been playing on the radio lately, or have not even been playing on the radio at all. But listening to my music, it's so incredibly nostalgic. When I listen to these songs, I can vaguely remember how I used to listen to music at every second I was alone and how Syafiqah used to talk(complain) about it.
Some of the songs I have missed:
1) She had the world- Panic At the Disco
2) Hey there Delilah- Plain White T's
3) I'm A Wonder- The Cab
4) Young Folks- Peter Bjourn & John
5) All we know- Paramore
6) Jenny- The Click Five :)
Come on! Who could ever forget the song Jenny? I mean, it's as if she comes online everyday bearing a reminder about the song that was so fantastically written. *We're standing still, JENNY! You got me on my knees. Jenny, is killing me..*
I think it's about time I changed my, I'll be your Jenny, to something else. Hmm..
a quiz for the puzzled.
Thursday, December 18, 2008/7:56 PM
I shall not dwell on today's events because I am a loser. I will in fact, dwell on something a little less sarcastic and ironic. I apologise in advance for my biting sharp attitude today but let's just say I am not happy at the moment. It has been happening alot these days. I wonder why.
I am going to do something to take my mind off the awful day I had today and focus on something a little more trivial than a problem that was not even a problem in the first place but then blew up because some people do not trust me anymore. Again, I'm sorry for my harsh language today. I am going to do Duane's quiz today because if I don't it will just accumulate like homework. I am going to ignore the last quiz and just do this one that he tagged me to do.
1. Besides your lips, where is your favourite spot to get kissed?
Goodness. What a question. And the first question of the quiz no less. Well, my cheek I guess. Because I think that it is very sweet to get kissed on the cheek.2. How did you feel when you woke up this morning?
Excited because I was supposed to watch TWILIGHT today. Yeah that is a very long story and I shall not elaborate further.3. Who was the last person you took a picture of?
PersonS to be exact. I took a picture of Syafiqah, Maryam and Siska at the open plaza today at Tampines Mall. The lighting was so bright and perfect that it made them look so gorgeous and pretty. Yeah, like they need help to do that.4. Would you consider yourself to be spoiled?
What an ironic question. Well, the things I do reflect that I perhaps I do not care about my finances or my parents' when in fact I do. Extremely. Ask anyone who has seen me handle money. But no, I don't think that I am spoiled.5. Would you ever donate blood?
Well after watching TWILIGHT, I did have the urge to go donate blood to a vampire named Edward Cullen. But that whole process would not involve tubes. But yes of course I would donate blood because there aren't enough donors out there.6. Have you ever had a best friend who was of the opposite sex (boy because I am a girl)?
Yes. And I still do. He is a guy and I am a girl. We are best friends.7. Do you want someone dead?
No. It's just a quiz. Besides, Duane is my good friend and he only makes me do quizzes because he wants to know me more. RIGHT DUANE? MUAHAHAHA.8. What does your last text message say?
Tell me if anything develops, ok
The person who sent me this, you know who you are.
9. What are you thinking of right now?Whether the people I love love me back. And how I dreaded what I did today.
10. Do you wish someone was with you right now?Yes, I do.11. What time did you go to sleep last night?I didn't sleep last night. I slept at about 3 in the morning the next day. And no, I don't regret it.12. Where did you buy the T-shirt you are wearing now?
Namdeamon Market in Seoul, South Korea.13. Is someone on your mind right now?
Yes, there is someone on my mind right now.
14. Who was the last person to text you?Zafran. (surprised?)10 people to tag(random order):
1) Siska (well I hope she does it)
2) Maryam (oh she will do it and she will enjoy it)
3) Syafiqah (this girl can make a quiz look like a literature essay)4) Nabilah (my tweenie loves me so she will do it to make me happy)
5) Farreha (tagged me to do a quiz once and I loved what she wrote)6) Raudhah (my beloved sushi will do the quiz and thank me for tagging her)
7) Frine (my twin sister who enjoys my ramblings as much as I enjoy hers)8) Alyah (hardcore Emmett Cullen fan will do this because Emmett loves quizzes) 9) Wan Lin (another SISTER of mine whose answers I look forward to reading)10) Nadia (Nadia will do this quiz because I told her so)PEOPLE CAN BE RE-TAGGED
15) Who is 2 having a relationship with?Her boyfriend Hasif.16) Is 3 a male of a female?Most definitely a female!17) If 7 and 10 get together will that be a good thing?HAHAHA! No. Firstly, 7 (Farah) already has a boyfriend. And both of them are my sisters. That's wrong.18) What is Number 1 studying about?Siska studies and TWILIGHT because those are so important to her right now.19) When was the last time you had a chat with them?Well I spoke to six of those people on that list today.20) Is Number 4 single?Yes surprisingly. Come on gents! She's single, free and gorgeous! What more could you guys want? Tsk.21) Say something about Number 2.She is one of my bestest friends in the whole world and I absolutely love her to death.22) What do you think about Number 3 and 6 being together?Bear in mind that ALL of the people I tagged are WOMEN. Sigh. But those two, there are so incredibly close I wouldn't be surprised. HAHA. Joking.23) Describe Number 9.My sister Wan Lin? Well she is spunky, funny, and absolutely fantastic. She has a lot of energy in her and she can brighten up anyone's day. Oh yeah. SHE LOVES EDWARD CULLEN.24) What will you do if Number 6 and 7 fight?I hardly doubt they would ever fight but if they do I will be a neutral party and try to settle the feud because no one should ever fight.Okay kiddos. I have to go now. Enjoy my quizz.
shut up
Wednesday, December 17, 2008/9:17 PM
It's bad enough knowing yourself, but to have your secrets and negativity shoved in your face without your consent is such a pain. It's not as though I am stupid or anything. I mean, I know what and how I do things but I do them anyway because I am what I am. I cannot change the way I am for the likes of anyone. You don't have to tell me that I'm bad. I already know that.
I know I'm bad.
You could have told it to my face, you know. The truth. How you really felt. There is no need to cower behind a computer screen and mock through pixels and letters. Where is the essence behind the taunting? There is strictly no need to tell me things I already know just to make me feel like a loser. It's bad enough that I have to pretend to put up with it. Painful in fact. Painful to just give a sarcastic smirk and walk away, pretending that I am unharmed when in fact, the extent of damage is indescribable.
You need not be the part of my ramblings. I understand. You read because you want to grasp something from me. A part of me. My history, my writing, my attitude. You come here, to this blog, so that you can hold something against me. Do you really think I'm perfect? No one is. I have flaws and imperfections. Who doesn't? I cheat, I lie, I covet. Only at times. Don't you? Don't you make mistakes? So what really is your problem? Is it because you think I'm perfect or because you're fighting so hard to be a paragon of perfection because you think your life is not good enough?
So what are you doing?That's right. Go and make things worse. Go and continue in your struggle to feel better about yourself. Like you're doing the right thing. You know, I don't need this. I've got problems of my own and I don't need your help to make me feel more down than I already am.Why do I feel so constricted? Why can't I say what I want to say anymore? Why can't I say the things I want to say to you? You want to know why? Because there are people who read this blog who are important to me, or are important to people who are close to me. Like my parents, my family. I need to watch what I say. I see that now. And no thanks to you either. It is because of you that I have half a mind to just write one word and get it over with. But I won't. I am stronger than that while you are weak and pathetic, trembling behind an object of technology that masks your true cowardice.Take off the mask.I dare you. I dare you to say what you want to say.But of course, you won't do it. You want to know why? Because you're afraid. Afraid of something you can never find understanding and come to terms to. And I would never blame you for being afraid. Because when you're afraid, you know that that there is something out there that you cannot afford to lose. I would in fact, remark you on that. I would give a genuine smile and say: Wow. He's not an alien robot.And that is when I will walk away.I'm satisfied. I think I have said what I wanted to say. And now I still have a decision to make because twice I see today that I need to watch the way I blog. But how?
darn you blogger.
/9:32 AM
You know I don't know what is wrong with my blogger today but it insists on not working this morning. What have I ever done to it but to make blog posts for it so that it does not become abandoned or stuff like that? Okay this is just an announcement that the pictures of my snowy trip in Korea is below. You have to scroll down to see it.
-End of Announcement-
I was tagged to do a meme.
Monday, December 15, 2008/8:44 PM
Before I do the quiz I was asked to do, I have to apologise to DUANE TAN WEN JUN for not doing the quiz he asked me to do YET. I have decided to do this one first because it is much more shorter and Duane's quiz takes a really long time. I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry. I'll do it when I have the time I promise.
TAGGED BY FARREHA, RAUDHAH and SYAFIQAH.The rules and regulations:1. Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about themself.2. People who get tagged need to write their own 10 weird things/habits/little known facts.3. At the end, player needs to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names.4. No tags back!uh okay! let's get started, shall we?
10 weird things/habits/little known facts about me.
1. I am deadly afraid of people who ask me for donations/surveys/money. You know, those people that are strewned around MRT stations and shopping malls but are not allowed to go inside. They way they approach you and trap you in their ramblings about fixed price coupons and the absolutely pathetic face they make when you say 'No thanks.' The face that looks like it's saying 'How could you?' or 'Great, I am sooo not going to get paid.' It's heartbreaking.
2. I love High School Musical. I know. All three movies. They are absolutely fantastic. I know that people hate this movie but I absolutely love it's prep-piness and the songs. Even now, at my age, when I hear the High School Musical 1 songs, I will dance to them and follow their dancesteps. I KNOW. HAHAHAHA. Sorry.
3. My favourite drink in the world is Coke (DUH) but at home when I run out of Coke I drink the second best drink in the world which is RIBENA the Blackcurrant drink. I will also drink it from my Martini glass that I bought for kicks at IKEA.
4. I get motion sicknesses easily. I cannot be in a bus, taxi, train, car, motorcycle, bicycle, aeroplane for fifteen straight minutes before stopping and holding my forehead and start groaning about my upset stomach. My only safe mode of transportation is walking.
5. Sometimes, I wish I wore spectacles because I thought they make me look smarter. That was why when I was still schooling (cue drama mama crying at my graduation) I used to take Jun Hong's, Yi Min's or Hanan's specatacles and wear them.
6. I have always had a fetish to work as a cashier. I know, it might not be the most high-paying job ever but I have always envied people working as cashiers. I mean hello, the buttons are the coolest things to press. Sometimes, when no one is looking, I will go to an empty cash register and press $45.60 or play with the scanner. WOOH. Cheap thrill.
7. When I was younger, I loved wearing my mother's heels. I used to take them to my room and stomp around in them. I love the sounds they made. So when I was old enough, I took a tape recorder put them at my legs and walk around in my heels and listen to the recording at night.
8. You know those 'YOU ARE OUR ONE MILLIONTH VISITOR, CONGRATULATIONS!'? Yeah well last year, I really believed that I was the one millionth visitor at this website and so I clicked the 'Press To Claim' button and signed up and everything. When I found out that you had to join a cruise to get the money I went to my dad and said, 'HEY DAD. Want to get rich? All we have to do is ride a cruise and we can get one million dollars! COOL RIGHT?'
9. At this time of my holiday and post-O'level STRESS I sometimes I had some physics worksheet or Maths exercises that I could be forced to do to fill in my time.
10. My favourite Disney Princess is Cinderella because she is really someone I can relate to what with her curfews and all that. Well that is the only thing I can relate to. Oh yeah and the prince charming part.(:
The 8 people I tag:
enough of snow
Sunday, December 14, 2008/7:00 PM
to be loved, what more could you ask for?
/5:38 PM
ahem ahem. what day is it today? do you know what day is it today? do you? DO YOU?
IT IS THE FOURTEENTH OF DECEMBER!So what if it is the fourteenth, Namira? WELL. It is my first monthsary EVER. I would like to wish my beloved boyfriend, Ammar Zafran, a happy one monthsary. I am such a lucky girl, don't you think? Thank you for being so incredibly charming and understanding to me. I love you(:
worst snowboarder in the history of snow sports.
Friday, December 12, 2008/1:24 PM

Despite how cool I look with my snowboard whose name is Hayley because of how red and rocking she is, my level of snowboarding capability is zero. And yes everyone that is snow. I'm afraid my family made a rash decision to see snow that day. Will elaborate when I get back. Love youu.
Thursday, December 11, 2008/9:16 PM
replying my tags
/8:41 PM
'aaYuu: hello AYU! I REMEMBER YOU! hahaha. hello! yes I will do that soon promise(:
NABILA: 29th and 30th. OKAY I WILL DEFINITELY COME. I don't know if the others want to come or not but I most definitely will.
allyy: ADRIANNA!?? THE DRUG MINAH? HAHAHAHA. she is very mean to TY. but oh my gosh he is smokin' hot!
mary: yes Maryam. I remember when you wanted and tried to rape me. I remember it clearly. All because my shirt smelled like Hasif. hahaha.
allyy: YEAH I LOVE DISNEYLAND MANN!!! and don't worry allyy dear, we will reunite with Mickey and his friends one day in Los Angeles.
Alicia: YES I AM AT KOREA!!! hahaha. It's a cold country is what it is. thanks alicia. and of course we will meet up! we've been classmates for four years!(:
RRE: SHE'S WORKING? well we can always go before twelve so that syaf and siska can go to their four six outing remember? BUT WHATEVER IT IS WE MUST WATCH TWILIGHT OKAYY?
Zee-Q: OMG THE SMARTEST BOY IN PRCS LINKED ME!! hahahahha. thanks man. will link you soon!
syaf: Syafiqah my dear, you have Maryam and Siska. Three quarters of HLBG is in Singapore. The possibilities are endless.
Nadzirah: HEEYYY! You're welcome Nadzirah! thanks(:
namira: what only.
allyy: sorry Alyah. I know I'm supposed to but... plans change. PLEASE FORGIVE ME!
syaf: THANKS. and you could say that you love me instead of nasi bryani right? how anti-climatic. haha.
mary: Maryam, we are two VERY different flyers. when we go for our around-the-world trip, I will prove to you that I am not joking about my hatred for flying.
shafiq: which syafiq are you? I need to know to come up with a proper comeback to suit your identity and whether I know you or not.
Sarah: I MISS YOU POKING ME TOO! haha though it was very painful. miss you too sarah!(:
TO my
ZAFRAN who has no tag on my blog that I can reply to: I miss you so much. I told you it would be cold in Korea without you. I love you(:
Damn the blogger here is in Korean
Tuesday, December 09, 2008/3:47 PM
I have decided to post a video here about my experiences in Korea daily. I can only do it at night when the weather outside is too cold for me to go out. I will keep this paragraph expresionless because I am Namira Nasir and I am full of surprises. Look out for tonight's video. I will also be replying tags on the video. Thank you and enjoy the rest of your day.
Korea, sparkling
Monday, December 08, 2008/1:27 PM
Six days. SIX DAYS. Enam. Liu or whatever six is in chinese. ENAM HARI DI TEMPAT YANG SEJUK. haha. Okay sorry I am very high right now. I just came back from 'raya-ing'. Now, I am in my baju kurung typing on my laptop. I just went to like one house which is my grandmother's. We sat there and ate NASI BRIYANI which was like the best thing in the world. I LURVE nasi briyani ayam. Or, chicken briyani for all you non-malay folks. I am so full which is good because I don't want to eat on the airplane. I HATE AIRPLANE FOOD. Scratch that. I HATE AIRPLANES.
sorry Zafran. I know you love airplanes.
Gah but honestly. The turbulence, the vertigo. THE FOOD. The air smells so FAKE. Like synthetic air. Air that is made. FAKE AIR. I hate breathing in the airplane. So what I am going to do to combat my eating problem is bring a packet of instant noodles aboard and ask for boiling water when I feel hungry. WHY HAVE I NOT THOUGHT OF THIS BEFORE? Ingenious, I tell you. Thanks mom for the idea.
I am going to the depature hall soon to check out the inside where everything is duty-free. That is why my entire family is buzzing around the house getting ready and doing last minute chores while I am sitting here and minding my own beeswax. It's nice being able to move in Singapore. I will try to keep my movement to a minimal in Korea because that way I will lessen the chance of my skin being exposed to more freezing air. uhuh. Please don't let it snow in Korea. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE.
This is where I end my last blog post before leaving. Good bye everyone. I will miss you all. Especially MY HULABAGI AND ZAFRAN. And my telephone buddies like Nabilah Zaharah and Khairul Azmi. And Faris, I won't forget your fridge magnet.
Will be back on the 14th of December. WOOOOH. We all know what happens on that day(:
the best of saturday night live
Saturday, December 06, 2008/8:10 PM
Hello everyone. I was just blog hopping just now and then I realised that I have not updated my blog since.... yesterday. I am watching the news right now(gasp) and there is this really cool story. It's about the sheep coming in from Australia for Hari Raya Haji on Monday. These sheep are getting so much media coverage. It's on par with that time Hady Mirza won the Asian idol. The Singapore 'paparazzi' is everywhere on that dock. Yes dock. They were transported here on ship called the Hereford Express. The cool part is that they just allowed the sheep to roam free on the ship. They didn't like put them in caes or something. It's like taking a cruise which makes watching this a little less easier.
I am leaving for Korea on Monday and I am super excited for it. However, there is this detail that I am quite worried for and that is the weather there. It is exceptionally COLD there. My mother says that the estimated temperature there in Korea is 4 degrees Celcius. WHAT. When I went to America last year, the temperature was like.. fourteen degrees and I was already shivering like CRAZY. It's practically three to four times colder. I am so scared. I am borrowing Nabilah's jacket because we are practically the same size to go there. I HOPE THAT IS GOING TO BE ENOUGH. Thanks Nabz. SO scared. I am going to freeze to death. The temperature hits negative at night. All the moisture in my body is going to FREEZE.
okay you guys. au revoir.
Cikgu's Chalet
Friday, December 05, 2008/12:39 PM
WOW. WASN'T THAT A BLAST. Dang it. The event we have been looking forward to ever since even before O'levels has past. Past and gone in all its wonder. Well, after this, there is only one thing, ONE THING, to look forward to. And it might be the most significant out of all the holidays.
The Twilight Premeire in Singapore.
Yes, the movie we have been looking forward to ever since word of a movie was breathed out into the public. How can anyone resist a vampire romance? Don't answer that because alot of people would see fit to answer that question in harsh and sarcastic tones. Well, I sure can't resist it. Before I talk about resistance any further, I am going to talk about what happened yesterday. Oh, golly.
Well, I was late to go over to Siska's house because of some complications at home. So when I was crossing the road on the way to her house, I saw Syafiqah there and then I realised that I wasn't that late at all. I was relatively early considering the time I am used to. Syafiqah wore this gorgeous pink Dorothy Perkins long sleeved shirt that I feel in love with. SO we went to siska's house to find her eating potatoes. Yum. We played that game that Syafiqah kept winning and 'brainstormed' about the food item we were supposed to bring to our pot luck. We went to go get Maryam at Loyang Point.
Maryam took $4.90 from my Domo to buy some Nail Polish and then YOU KNOW WHAT? SHE LEFT MY DOMO AT THE COUNTER. I ALMOST LOST MY DOMO. AGAIN. But its okay. Maryam wore a gorgeous pink too and she was carrying the PINK BAG that I absolutely adore. We then went to Sheng Siong to buy several food items and we saw someone working there. But thank god we didn't because he wasnt there when we were all ready.
Shopping List:
1) Two Betty Crocker Brownies Baking Mix (for the chalet)
2) Eggs(for the brownies for the chalet)
3) A bottle of coke (for um.. us)
We went back to start the 'magic' of us cooking. We all sat together in Siska's kitchen and helped create our batter. MIXING and creating. The one mix per person for good luck. It looked so perfect. Mary gave us some swift F&N lessons about vegetable oil being the 'cheap substitute for butter'. We popped our batter in the OVEN and left the kitchen to watch the Reaping. Which was really scary but it was made less scary by Syafiqah and Maryam's running commentary. 'Why are there locusts?', 'Why is the girl standing there?', 'Can locusts bite people?', 'I don't know.'. HAHAHA.
But what was that? That smell? IS SOMETHING BURNING????
RUNS to the kitchen. On top, burnt, inside, still gooey and uncooked. Where is the HUMANITY? Well we left it to cook some more (???!) until, Siska's oven STOPPED WORKING. GASP. We took the 'brownies' out and Syaf cut them out and we thought they looked presentable. Enough time to deny us ever making it. We deliberated our success and we made the next batter mix. Me and mary made the batter this time and we stayed in the kitchen this time because we thought the batter felt offended that we abandoned it so it refused to cook properly. We chatted like girls do about the problems we had and the things we were looking forward to at Siska's table.
Ah heck. We thought. We left the kitchen to prepare ourselves. By this time it was absolutely pouring outside and we doubted our plans. We went to Siska's room. Siska changed into a ROCKIN' ROXY T-SHIRT AND THREE QUARTER AND WAS SOOO CHIC. I changed into my blue dress and we got ready.
Even though it was a teensy bit burnt, Maryam said that was how brownies looked like. I LOVE COKE. Okay random. Me and Syafiqah danced in Siska's kitchen to some song that was unfamiliar to me while Maryam kept commenting on how I smell like Hasif. HAHAHA WHAT ONLY.
three quarters of a treasure..
Tuesday, December 02, 2008/7:25 PM
Today was really interesting. Like I said in my previous post, any minor event may seem significant to me. I think because my holidays have been so bland that even a little sparkle may brighten my day. Today my sparkles were Syafiqah and Siska. I wanted Maryam to come too, but I didn't want to drag her all the way from her house to come to Loyang Point. But don't worry. Hulabagi has Thursday and possibly Friday to laugh together. I miss you Maryam because I have not seen you in six DAYS!
So I met Syaf and Siska at Mcdonald's today. I was a smigent late but Syafiqah was the latest. When I stepped into Mcdonald's I saw Siska reading the CLASSIFIEDS! GASP! Was Siska really looking for a job? Haha no she wasn't. She was just looking through the classifieds for fun. What only. There were alot of part time jobs. Okay that was a lie. There were like only five. And I joined her and we laughed about our holidays and talked about what we could have been doing if we had not met up. And finally, HER MAJESTY arrived carrying a huge bag (which wasn't as heavy as they claimed because they are wussies. haha) with all her library books inside that she wanted to return later on.
Syafiqah: Oh my god we saw Barry working at the counter!!!!
Namira: I KNOW! Siska, do you know who Barry is?
Siska: Barry is a name?
Me and Syaf ate double cheeseburgers and Siska drank Ice Lemon Tea (ehk). Of course Syafiqah bought double cheeseburger with no pickels which is practically not a double cheeseburger anymore. While we were eating our respective meal items, we caught up about ourselves and what we have been doing. It was pretty interesting. We laughed alot because we've not been laughing for a while and it's good to let all the negative energy out. After our conversation, we went to Siska's house to
At Siska's house, we sat around. Me and Siska played Snap and Stress while Syafiqah played a Spongebob game that Siska had assigned her to play to look for acorns(?). Realizing that you cannot force Syafiqah (an intellect) to play a no-brainer game like Spongebob and the sea of acorns, Syaf dumped that game and played Old Maid (that is what it's called SISKA, I think). I think it's most probably not called that but I called it Old Maid anyway. We scattered Siska's Kung Fu Panda cards across her floor and kept flipping two at a time to find a simillar pair. The one with the most pairs win.
1st: Syafiqah(with her photographic perfect memory and her ability to use me and Siska to her advantage...)
2nd: Siska(who always got lucky when she found another pair after she had found one repeatedly..)
3rd: Namira(who cannot find a bloody pair to save her life. Who kept flipping the three card even though she knows she is not going to find its partner)
After that RUTHLESS game, we just sat down and talked about our secondary school life and realising how utterly dumb we were when we were younger a couple of years ago. We talked about our mistakes, our laughs and our moments. But that is another blog post altogether.
Dear friends and readers,
Monday, December 01, 2008/2:51 PM
This week is such a fun-filled week. I have been looking forward to this week ever since, last week. Don't get me wrong. Staying at home doing nothing and watching movies over and over again while my sanity titters on an edge bearing a strong possibility of tipping over any moment and falling to the depths of delusional illusions is absolutely FUN but as teenagers we need to go out and be social once in a while. Be with friends because they keep us sane/insane. It's really a balancing act, you know.
Why am I looking forward to this week? Well, probably because I have a cool book to read, I'm going out with friends and with Zafran. But most importantly. MOST IMPORTANTLY, there is an event occuring on Thursday that is keeping me pumped up throughout the week. I really cannot wait for it. And I hardly doubt anyone else has forgotten it either. YES YES YES. WHAT ARE WE ALL WAITING FOR? THE FOURTH OF DECEMBER. You know, I think the fact that I have not gone out very often this past holiday makes any event seem significant in some way or rather. Is it just me? I don't think many people are looking forward to the fourth unlike me and hulabagi.
Yup. The four girls you'd expect to be ferociously un-semangat about the event is SO PUMPED UP FOR IT. Well, I know me and Syafiqah are. She can't wait to say a certain word I prompted her to say on the phone out loud in front of the entire malay population. I shall not say it out. Because I think she wants it to be a surprise. And it will be. It will be.
I think I am losing my sarcasm. I think so. I am no longer the full-fledged cynic I used to be. Remember the OLD NAMIRA? The Namira that would be sarcastic about every single detail that she can lay her hands on? While staying at home with my family, the oppurtunities for me to exert sarcasm on others are depleting. It's like a rare natural resource that is slowly fading away and letting sanity replace its devoted position. How can this happen? I don't even talk alot anymore. I think I speak a maximum of fifty words a day. Not counting being online of course, and scolding siblings. Fifty words.
Where is the HUMANITY?I need to sit down with a real smart-ass. A person who gets on my nerves with his words and is continuously ridiculing me. I just need one person to spur back the sarcasm in me. And the conversation would go like this.
smart-ass: hey namira, what is wrong with your ENGLISH? Why the hell do you speak like that? It pisses people off.
Namira: My brain controls my articulation, damn it. My outflow of words are mine to control.
smart-ass: well your brain is not working properly then. Because your words don't make sense at all.
Namira: who made you a neurologist? why don't you go put your head in a pool and let me count to one million?
smart-ass: I can't because then the world would then be rid of my smart-ass-ity.
I think I need to talk to Hanan more. He is one guy that can make me really angry. Hmm.. That's an idea I would consider.