Friday, January 30, 2009/6:00 AM

Meridyn, Faqiha and Namira looking absolutely awesome in respective shades.

I think we all look pretty good with or without sunglasses. THIS GOES OUT TO YOU FAQIHA.

Yi Min and Faqiha. Faqiha really likes wearing sunglasses now. For your birthday kay, Faqiha?

Me, Tricia and Yi Min looking at Wan Lin, Yang Ting and Liyana doing weird poses at the edge of the seawall/breakwater and hoping the don't fall into the sea.

My two beloveds(:

Don't we look so sweet? Can you spot the Coke? Can you spot Hanan? Can you spot Zafran?

They actually thought my legs were too skinny to support both of them. Well, they're both so skinny even their combined mass comes to nothing.

The four seven girls sitting down and chatting in the presence of marvelous sour and cream Lays and oreo cheesecake.

Don't Yang Ting and Liyana look really good making cool sea creatures' shapes in the sand? I think they do.

The girls who didn't want to step into the beach and get wet.

Me and WanLin staring confusedly at Liyana's boat wondering why it kept capsizing when a wave crashes in to it. We called the boat the Titanic.

Girls hanging out at a beach.

My two camwhoring buddies, Faqiha and Meridyn.


At first I was reluctant to go inside because I was afraid my Coke would get wet.

Me getting down and dirty with the sea water. People at the back doing the same, only the more advanced version.

Me and my gorgeous girl Meridyn posing at the edge of the East Coast water.

This is Meridyn in the Bus with a lollipop in her mouth. No eating in the bus.

Meridyn and Faqiha arguing about God knows what. They always argue and it's hilarious.

Wan Lin showing Yang Ting pictures on her camera. They look so cute.

WANLIN, FAQIHA and ALICIA were flinging this soccer ball over the picnic mat which also meant over the heads of the people sitting down. Wan Lin nearly killed me. haha.
My boyfriend is physically unable to just sit at a normal place and like it. He must be on top of the world.

Well what can I say about the class gathering? It was most definitely fun. I had to meet Zafran earlier at one thirty (!?!?!) when the class was meeting at two. I kept complaining to him on the phone that one thirty was too absurdly early to go anywhere but he kept insisting that I'll be late anyway so one thirty it was. BUT I WAS SO ON TIME. I bought my Cokes and Zafran bought his chips and a double cheeseburger (...) and we made our way there.
When to NTUC to buy my sushi, and we met the class. After a while we took the MRT to Bedok of all places and got lost for two minutes and we took a bus to a residential area and immediately I was skeptical because there wasn't any sand or water. It was only after two minutes of walking that I found out that Zafran asked everyone to drop and that stop.
We walked an awfully long distance to the decided venue and when we did I was so ultimately relived. DO YOU WANT TO KNOW WHY?
Okay, I bought Cokes right? I bought three 1.5litres bottles of Coke. I might not be weak but I am not strong either. It was so darn heavy. Some of the girls offered to help me carry a bottle but I said it's okay because I needed to get used to strenous exercise for JC.
When we reached there, everything that happened is visible in those pictures there. So yeah, it was fun. Some of the boys climbed (or attempted to climb) a tree. Me and the girls played SnapJack, a nifty card game with my A380 playing cards. The girls kept asking me questions about me and Zafran.
I went home with Zafran and Hanan which was fun too, Hanan slept for a while though. Which meant I could gossip about Hanan and the class to Zafran without Hanan eavesdropping.
Thank you four seven for the brilliant two years I've had. Let's not lose touch with one another! Cheers.
Thursday, January 29, 2009/9:43 PM
The four seven outing was crackalacking.
Can I please tell it to you guys tomorrow because I'm very tired tonight and I just want to talk to Zafran online(:
Oh yes, Faqiha pictures please? So I can show them to the world.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009/1:15 PM
TAGGED BY ALYAH MY SUPERWOMAN.1. Put your iTunes on shuffle, For each question, press the next button to get your answer2. YOU MUST WRITE THAT SONG NAME DOWN NO MATTER HOW OUTRAGEOUS IT SOUNDS!3. Tag 20 friends who might enjoy doing the game as well as the person you got the note from.Okay. For everybody's information, I do not believe in iTunes. So I will do this my own way which is to use my Windows Media Player and turn the shuffle on. Oh don't act so surprised that I do not have an iTunes. Alrightty. This should be fun.
I Don't Care-Fall Out Boy.HAHAHAHA. That is very weird. But of course I won't say that, I'm not that mean.WHAT WOULD BEST DESCRIBE YOUR PERSONALITY?
Keeps Getting Better-Christina AguileraWell I don't think so.WHAT DO YOU LIKE IN A BOY?
Run-Leona LewisIndeed I like a boy who can run very fast. Not away from me though.WHAT IS YOUR LIFE’S PURPOSE?Rehab-Amy WinehouseI do not want to land in rehab!WHAT IS YOUR MOTTO?
Five minutes to Midnight- Boys Like GirlsAlways be on time or don't be early at all. At least five minutes late.WHAT DO YOUR FRIENDS THINK OF YOU?
Jenny- The Click FiveOH MY GOODNESS I SO DID NOT DO THAT ON PURPOSE. I think my Windows Media Player is ALIVE! OMG that is so weird.WHAT DO YOU OFTEN THINK ABOUT OFTEN?SuperMassive Black Hole- MuseOh yeah totally.WHAT IS 2+2?Mercy- DuffyYes please have mercy on me and don't make me do maths so early in the morning.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR BEST FRIEND?Tangled Up In Me-Skye SweetnamYes they love me so much.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF THE PERSON YOU LIKE?
Damaged-Danity KaneHahaha. Yeah in the brain maybe, but I love him anyways(:WHAT IS YOUR LIFE STORY?
This Is Me-Demi Lovato ft Joe JonasYes, everything about my life story is about me, big whoop. And it's real too.WHAT DO YOU WANT TO BE WHEN YOU GROW UP?
I Caught Myself- ParamoreI want to be a person who is independent and is able to mend her own wounds when she falls.WHAT DO YOU THINK WHEN YOU SEE THE PERSON YOU LIKE?
I'm a Wonder- The CabMore like he's a wonder, or I'm in a wonder about my wonderful boyfriend.WHAT DO YOUR PARENTS THINK OF YOU?
If I Were A Boy- BeyonceIndeed, they always think about how I would act if I were their eldest son instead of their eldest daughter. Hahaa.WHAT WILL YOU DANCE TO AT YOUR WEDDING?Just Dance- Lady GagaYeah I want everybody to DANCE AT MY WEDDING. Even all the makciks and pakciks must get up and dance. WHAT WILL THEY PLAY AT YOUR FUNERAL?One Day, Robots Will Cry- Cobra StarshipYes, even the Robots will cry when I die.WHAT IS YOUR HOBBY/INTEREST?Sexy Back-Justin Timberlake.... doesn't make sense.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF YOUR FRIENDS?
Girlfriend-Avril LavigneYes they are all my girlfriends. Even those that are males.WHAT'S THE WORST THING THAT COULD HAPPEN?
No Air- Chris Brown ft Jordin Sparks (or vice versa)YES. It would be bad if I couldn't breathe.HOW WILL YOU DIE?
Dancing In the Moonlight-TopLoaderHAHA. I don't want to die dancing. But wait, there's a possibility.WHAT IS THE ONE THING YOU REGRET?
Mad As Rabbits-Panic! At the DiscoNope, I don't regret it.WHAT MAKES YOU LAUGH?
Say-John Mayerum, okay.WHAT MAKES YOU CRY?I kissed A girl- Katy Perryhaha, no I've never tried.WILL YOU EVER GET MARRIED?
The Piano Knows Something I don't know- Panic! At The DiscoAsk the piano.WHAT SCARES YOU THE MOST?One and Only- Timbaland feat Fall Out BoyBeing alone.DOES ANYONE LIKE YOU?Angel-Natasha BedingfieldYes, he's an angel(:IF YOU COULD GO BACK IN TIME, WHAT WOULD YOU CHANGE?
That's What You Get-ParamoreNothing for now.WHAT HURTS RIGHT NOW?
Bleeding Love-Leona LewisI'm not bleeding!WHAT WILL YOU POST THIS AS?Walk Away- Paula DeandaYeah Namira Just do it!DO YOU THINK YOU'RE WORTH TO BE AMERICA'S NEXT TOP MODEL?Never Again-Kelly ClarksonMy Windows Media Player just answered your question. NEVERR!WHAT DID YOU DREAM OF LAST NIGHT?
Wine Red- The Hush SoundI did not dream about getting drunk.WHATS YOUR BOYFRIEND GOING TO BE LIKE?
Most definitely(:
Hey There Delilah- Plain White T'sWhy is there another girl involved? hahaha.WHAT ARE YOU DOING NOW?
Love Story-Katherine McPheehmm...HOW DO YOU FIND BARACK OBAMA?
My Happy Ending-Avril LavigneMore like a happy beginning for the world.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF NOISY WEDDINGS?
Broken Man- Danger: RadioNah, I wouldn't react that badly.DO YOU LOVE HUMAN NATURE?
Before it's too Late- Goo Goo DollsYes, I have to love it while I can before it disappears amongst it's damaging replacements forever.WHAT DO YOU THINK OF BEING RICH?
Always Be My Baby-David Cook.?HOW WERE YOU BORN?
Car Crash Hearts- Fall Out BoyIn an accident?! Ouch.HOW WILL YOUR FUTURE LIFE BE LIKE?
Poetry-Danity KaneYes I hope it will be beautiful.DO YOU THINK YOU ROCK?
Fall for you-Secondhand SerenadeNah, I make people clumsy.WHAT MAKES YOU HAPPY?
Fool The World-Drake Bellyeeeeah. controlling the world owns.DO YOU LIKE WINNING?
Our Honeymoon at Weston Hills-Cinematic Sunriseyupe, what he said.WHAT KIND OF CAREER WOULD YOU LIKE?
Haunted-Kelly ClarksonI think my Windows Media Player is sleeping.DO YOU FEEL LIKE DYING?
The Past Should Stay Dead- EmarosaNo.DO YOU FEEL LIKE STOPPING THIS QUIZ?
Monday, January 26, 2009/2:12 PM
nabzee: I always do that Nabilah. it's tradition for me. Haha. Yeah I got the picturezz already. They're gorgeous. I love them.
allyy: GASP. ALYAH! hahaha I would tell her the exact same thing! Especially the alyah part! I would also tell her to wear heels while she still can because sooner or later she'll be too tall for them. :(
Tiga: Haha thank you sister. Maybe they were in a bad mood or something. So they looked at my handwriting for my social studies exam and decided to fail me because of my unreadable handwriting.
SALLY: ALREADY? Man, they grow up so fast right Sally? When I went to send my brother for his first day of school, I almost cried. He's so big!
LIY: Exactly, he is such an egoistical moron. I bet he even asks his mother to call him Doctor Ong. Hmph. YEAH I KNOW. I am going to teach my brother Amaths when he is primary three. HAHA.
SALLY: HAHA YEAH I KNOW AH YOU CHOCOLATE BOX. But I cannot blame you, Jude Law is extremely dreamy. hmm...
LIY: Haha not many people knew it was me. Namieeaaay doesn't sound like my name. So I just took precautions just in case you didn't recognise me. Hahaa.
allyy: I KNOW HE IS SO TALL. I think you have to bring a ladder when you go out with Kellan just in case you want to kiss him or something. HAHAA.
nabzee: Yupe he is. Doesn't that make you happy? hahaha. Yeah, hugging me is like hugging Jasper. Isn't that great? I know ah. Yeah keep swooning. Another mcdreamy. Orlando bloom is 179cm. gasps.
syafiqah: NOW IT'S HUGH DANCY? hmm. okay, hugh dancy is 177cm. o.0
hadi: TSK. Hadi, it's not supposed to sound like had a a a a a a a y. the day is supposed to be really long. But okay lah, if you don't like my improvisation it's fine HADI.
ky: HEEEEYYYY KUAN YONG. aww. thanks ky honey. that's really sweet of you. (:
allyy: IT WAS YOU? But how could I have seen you and not BLAKE LIVELY? that's inhumane. You should have been right beside her. it couldn't have been you then. I was on the NEL. hahaha. allyy, can you please teach me how to do that quiz. I don't understand the instructions. enlighten me.
Zaf: (: I will and have. thank you.
mary: I did? I mean, I DID. haahaha. EVERYONE HAIL TO MY UNMENDAKNESS. haha. mendakity.
syafiqah: YUPE. isn't it so unmendak? everyday when I am mendak, I listen to this unmendak song and it cheers up my mendak mood on my mendak day. sigh..
Sunday, January 25, 2009/10:57 PM
A quiz dedication from
AMERICAN HOTSTUFF, Abdul Malik Junior. He finally asked me to do a quiz. And me, being his minah, must adhere to his requests.
Full Name: Namira Binte Abdul Nasir. Most people think my name is Namira Nasir. So they like to ask me whether I'm half American or something like that. I really wish I was. But I only use the name Namira Nasir because I was trying to get my name to fit into my school nametag.
Age: Sixteen going on Seventeen.
Ethnicity: Asian, Singaporean. I love being Singaporean.
Home: Singapore. PASIR RIS. I think my life ambition would be to find out where in blue blazes the name Pasir Ris came about.
Working?: Uh no. I have no tolerance for working. I only like the part where I have a CPF that links to my medisave. I think it's kind of cool knowing that your health is assured.
Best time of the day: eight p.m. Because, it's when I talk to the people I love, and it was the time I was born into this world.
Part of my body that I love the most: My legs. (someone told me to say this)
Places in your house you barely touch: My parents' bathroom. I am not allowed there, see? Because everytime I go there I always take my mother's scented body shop soaps and don't put them back. o.0
Ever had a pet?: Yes. It was a fish named Sally. I loved her to death. We used to have staring competitions and everything. She always won though.
Things you hate the most: Things that are made from Malaysia other than food. I also hate things that don't work when you tell them to.
Are you in love?: Yes, definitely.
Describe the person you're in love with: He's witty, smart, charming, makes me laugh, keeps me happy, cares about whether I'm sick and does not let me drink coke or walk in the rain if I am.
What were you doing three hours ago?: Walking in the rain(:
Phrase of the day: what in blue blazes.
Prefer knowing or not knowing that your girlfriend/boyfriend is cheating on you: Knowing. I don't want to be in a relationship if the love in it is a lie. Heartbreak trumps unknowing betrayal.
How many ex-es do you have?: half.
What is your usual attire?: huh? what a nonsensical question. erm, I usually wear anything that's comfortable at home. T-shirt and shorts are fine.
Most embarrassing moments: When I blush. I look like such a child when I blush, it's quite irritating. I hate blushing.
Who do you have a crush on?: is being in a relationship equivalent to crushing on the person? In that case, Ammar Zafran Bin Zulkifli.
Who would you recommend this to?: DUANE, HULABAGI, NABZEE, ALYAH, RRE, FRINE, RAUDHAH, and ZAFRAN. Zafran, again I don't know how, but you have to do this.
Happy? You'd better be. Next time I have a quiz I'm gonna give it to you.
Saturday, January 24, 2009/7:38 PM
Today was an unconditionally un-mendak day.
I spent my Saturday with 12 very un-mendak people. They were very accomadating and I really had tons and tons of fun with them. I loved today it was super super fun. Sometimes there is just no other word to use but fun. I don't know why, I think my vocabulary has diminished. I think the only way I could have had more fun is if I was with my family or hulabagi.
My day started in the wee hours of the morning. I mean it this time. I woke up at like six thirty to the sound of my alarm and I was like 'Oh alright. Time to eat Thosai/Dhosai with the people.' When I woke up my dad was all bathed, primm and proper. This was how our conversation went.
Namira: I cannot believe you actually woke up and came out specifically for this, abah.
Dad: This is a historic event, Namira!
Namira: Why?
Dad: You woke up at six thirty! I must witness this event.
Namira: ....
Dad: So next time I want to bring you breakfast in the morning at Tekka you'd better not say no, okay?
Namira: Kayy Daddy.
I met Duane and Andrea at the bustop. Andrea looked so chic and Duane looked quite good looking as well. This was my first outing with them but instead of being excited I was quite lethargic that morning because the day before I spent the entire day swimming/out.
Boarded the bus. Hadaaaaay(Hadi) Lee was there waiting for us in the bus. Chatted occasionally with them and then Yong Xing boarded the bus. I put on my specs because the sun was very glaring. I didn't talk quite alot at the time because I was tired. So I let them gabble and gabble on about their O'level results and Joshua going into Hwa Chong and all that.
We took the NEL which was really cold to Farrer Park. The train was like two degrees celcius and even Hadi thought so. I wore my specs again and Duane said I looked like Willy Wonka (-.-). They kept laughing at something I didn't catch so I focused my attention to the Twilight trailer on the tv inside which quickly changed into a video showing you the precautions you must take in the case of an emergency. There were alot of cute children in the train too.
Dropped of at Farrer Park after which we were walking and circling the area aimlessly finding our way there because Andrea couldn't find it. So we kept consulting Duane's map thingy on his phone and finally we arrived at the Woodlands (even though it was in Little India) restaurant. We settled ourselves in and ordered.
It was very difficult to order because our waiter kept hovering and pressurising us. I was the last to order so I just ordered whatever I thought was nice. They drank tea and milk while I drank coke. Consumed our breakfast and remarked upon our different speeds. Duane is such a machine. He ate TWO masala dhosais and two vadais. It might not sound like alot but it is. That boy can eat.
Then, I cannot believe I am saying this, but we made our way to... MUSTAFA. YES MUSTAFA CENTRE. Namira Nasir went to Mustafa with her friends. And it was quite awesome. Me and Andrea with the assistance of Hadi were shopping for these delicious bangles. I chose twenty four quite easily so I chatted with the guys. They complained I looked constipated and stressed out. Andrea my darling took a seriously long time choosing appropriate bangles like it was a life and death decision. She was the stressed one. But what can a girl too? There were too many pretty bangles. But by the time she did choose twenty four she gave it to the lady for packing but one by one the lady kept throwing them away because they were broken so Andrea had to repeat the process all over again.
Sorry Andrea.
We went to seven eleven. Me, Yong Xing and Duane bought COKKKKE for one dollar each which is really cheap. Andrea bought a big gulp. Hadi didn't buy anything. He stuck with his orange juice and kept saying we were going to die early because we were drinking coke.
Then we literally walked to Bugis Junction which was surprisingly fun. We passed many worn out but in a cool way antique shops. At Bugis we went to TOPMAN and Bugis Street to shop for Duane's and Hadi's outifits. Never knew shopping with boys could be so exhilirating. We went to this really cool comic book shop that sold a Jigsaw puppet which was really cool, there were Star Wars collectibles. There was a land slide beside me as some toys fell down and immediately the guys blamed me. But the thing was like one metre away from me and I was staring at this cool wonderwoman figurine.
We to Samuel&Keith (I think) where Andrea found these awesome pair of sneakers that fit her perfectly that costed only FIFTEEN DOLLARS. There were these really cool heels that I wanted to buy for fifteen dollars too but it was impractical and unstable. So I didn't buy them.
For the entire of shopping, the guys and gal kept complaining that Faris should have been there when he wasn't. He had all of these cool discount cards. So yeah. Complainers.
After all that we went to Mcdonald's to chillax for a spill. We sat and talked about MJC and cutoff points and Mrs Low and Arjunan and Literature and Math grades and Amath grades and Arjunan's bag and Zafran and other cool stuff.
Hah, you guys thought I wasn't paying attention weren't you guys? I was. I so was.
So after Aaron arrived and had his lunch, I decided it was time to leave. Yes leave. For where? Wait for the second post okay? I am going to watch a movie now.
Messages to the people I went out with:
Andreeeeaaa: Hey BABE. Thanks for being such a sweetheart and entertaining me today. I loved the restaurant by the way.
Duaaaaaaaaane: WEN JUN. You were cool today. You should have bought that shirt from TopMan you know. I had fun. Thanks for talking to me.
Hadaaaaaaay: Hadi thanks for being really sarcastic and amusing today as usual. And for holding Andrea's bangles with your finger and telling which ones were broken.
Yong Xiiiiiiiiiing: Thanks for saying the work in-laws so many times and telling me about the Campus SuperStar stuff.
And to the family feat Erickson that I went out with today, I HAD A BLAST TODAY. Thank you so much for inviting me. It was so much fun. I had a fantastic time, thank you.
Friday, January 23, 2009/10:31 AM
The nature of the occurence of this blog post was really random. In the morning when I am half-unconscious, my eyes tired with sleep and my voice throaty from fatigue, I go blog-hopping. I was tagging at several blogs under the name namieeeeay so anyone who doesn't know it's me, well... it's me.
I was at Saly Chocolate Box's blog. I was looking through her pictures and there was this one of her hot hot hot idol and dreamfantasy Josh Duhamel(!!!). He was really tall. Then I read her tagbox and saw RRE's tag which lead me to a site called All credits go to Farreha for finding this treasure throve of a site.
Here are some neat facts:
Namira Nasir's height: 173cm.
-Jude Law is 180cm! Syafiqah! Look. He is so insanely tall. No wonder you think he's gorgeous.
-Gaspard Ulliel is 179cm. Not bad Siska. Not bad at all.
-Gerard Way is 170cm. Well, he's taller than Maryam. I guess that's okay. Still hot for a rockstar though.
-Robert Pattinson is 185cm. (mouth drops open)
-Jackson Rathbone is 173cm. WHAT. Nabilah! I'm as tall as JASPER HALE.
-Kellan Lutz is 185cm too! ALYAH. SO FREAKING AMAZING AND TALL.
-Jessica Alba is 168cm. YES. OWNED HER.
-Pete Wentz is 169cm.
It might be short but hey, he's taller than me.
Thursday, January 22, 2009/9:29 PM
Okay, I told Nabilah something today that she refused to believe. Even her mom didn't believe what I told her. I remembered telling this to Mary, Syafiqah and Siska and they found no reason to believe me at all. I think they even laughed at me until they saw it in my face that I was dead serious.
Dead Serious.
People usually talk about how great their O'level results were. How they got distinction after distinction. I am extremely proud of all these people and I know that they worked their hardest. But ask yourselves this, what happened to the other two subjects that Namira Nasir didn't get distinctions for?
Well for one, my Malay, for which I got a B3 for. Well, it was a good second try. I am used to getting A's for this subject. I don't know why but my standard just fell.
Secondly, and this is the 'shocker', my combined humanities. Geography and Social Studies. Mrs Sheri said she cried because of my results. MY RESULTS. Want to know why?
I, Namira Nasir, scored a C6 for combined humanities and I'm proud of it.
/8:05 PM

Public Enemies.
Johnny Depp.
Featuring Christian Bale(The Dark Knight)
Opening date: 1 July 2009(USA).
watch out for it.
Please let it come out on my birthday in Singapore.
/5:25 PM
The road to achieving one's trust may be rocky but acceptance is bliss.A special you're welcome to SLMD. May you forever find your open doors that will lead you to eternal happiness. Hope all is well. Sorry I didn't get to wish you a happy birthday. Have a good one!
Today there is lots and lots to talk about but I think I will just skip it all because I find it all quite draining actually. Goodness, how do I blog? Occasionally, I read my archives to see whether I have matured in my form writing. But my goodness. How did I have the strength to type so long? I think, I didn't have a life then. Hmm.
I used to not care about my grammar either. I used to start sentences with small letters or use short-form writing in my posts. It was infuriating. If I could speak to my younger Namira, I'd tell her to read more books.
Which makes me wonder. If I could talk to my younger self, what would I say? Well, I'd tell her to stop complaining about being single all the time. I'd tell her to drink more coke. I'd tell her to advance her knowledge in music and arts because it is sooo uncool to not know what bands your friends are talking about.
Oh well, I'll save that for a later date when I'm seriously feeling nostalgic.
Okay, I am going to talk like my younger self now:
ok ppl. i think i am goin to go nw becoz i am soooo tired and i think i am going to faint and die or sumting frm my tiredness and stupid grammar. i want 2 drink coke l8r becoz it rockz. i am oso goin 2 do a quizz dat my fren ask me 2 do witch i am goin to post l8r. dun bug mie bout nt puttin it hear nw becoz i am tired ok?! alamak lyk my mom seh u all. nxt tyme rite, im nt goin to post here animore becoz of all of euu.
OH MY GOODNESS. This is very draining. As you can see, I used to talk like that. Okay maybe I exaggerated a little because I do not use l8r because it is the epitome of sms language. Haha.
As I said just now, I am going to do a quiz that american hottie asked me to do on his livejournal.
Note to him: THAT IS YOUR FULL NAME? HAHA. YOU NEVER TOLD ME THAT! Okay I'll do the quiz. L8R!!!!!!!
aviduze my fellow colleagues.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009/2:56 PM

My new favourite band of the week. FRANZ FERDINAND.
/1:38 PM
For once, and this has never happened before in my memory, but for once, I have absolutely nothing to talk about. I'd call it writer's block, but that would be giving me too much credit as a blogger. No adolescent blogger can truly be called a writer.
Okay so what happens is, when a blogger has absolutely nothing to talk about, no event, no nothing, they usually describe their day. That's a splendid idea.
SO my day started off yesterday unusually early. Nadia was banging her books and her bags and the cupboard doors all the time while getting reading to school, my eyes just flew open. Why, Nadia, must you make so much noise when you get ready for school? Pity your sister please. She doesn't have school like you.
I couldn't go back to sleep even after Nadia bid goodbye and went off. So I decided to wake up and clean my room. HAHA. Okay no I didn't do that. I just listened to music all the way until eleven when I had to help Hakim get ready for school. I love sending Hakim to school.
So, me and my brother were having intellectual conversations about his days at school. He complained to me while on the way to school. This is how it went:
Hakim: Kakak, why do I have to go to school?
Namira: To be smart. You want to be smart, right?
Hakim: You can teach me Kakak.
Namira: No I can't. I'm too busy.
Hakim: But Kakak, you just sit at the computer or listen to music or sleep.
Namira: Well I'm not busy now but I will be.
Hakim: Why?
Namira: I'm going to school soon you know.
Hakim: Oh yeah. JC. The blue school. What's the name? Aladdian?
Namira: Meridian, sayang.
Hakim: Ohh. Kakak?
Namira: Yes?
Hakim: When are you going to get married?
You see, my brother is just as random as I am.
So I gave him a kiss and he went off. I watched him walk into the school. He's so grown up already. Sooner or later, he'll be complaining to me about amaths or girls and that's when I'll really break down.
From then, I was thinking about other stuff and researching. Then I had to go and pick him up again. Why is my life so mundane?
I went out a little earlier than expected so I decided to walk around my neighbourhood. I sat down and listened to more music when I saw something I didn't want to see.
You know those foreign workers? People call them Bangla or Mamak but I think that's very rude. So I call them foreign workers. Well I saw one, middle-aged, dark-skinned wearing a white Pasir Ris Crest Secondary School P.E T-shirt. Purple house.
WHAT.Duane, did you throw yours away?
Well I know where it went.
I was so gobsmacked at how anyone could have thrown theirs away that I kept looking with my mouth hanging open. And I think he got the wrong idea. Ew.
I went to fetch Hakim and the first thing he said to me was 'Kakak, what are you doing here? I don't feel like walking. Where's abah?' You're too spoiled Hakim.
While walking home with our neighbours ASYURA and her mommy, Hakim and Asyura were really bonding if you know what I mean. They kept pushing each other, Hakim kept pulling her braids, Asyura kept coming over to Hakim and standing next to him.
And when I asked Hakim about it he just said 'Ew I hate girls.'
Tsk. Hakim Hakim.
Okay I'm too lazy to type anymore.
Monday, January 19, 2009/11:48 PM
conversation with one of the most hard headed people in the world. but I love her to death. I LOVE YOU NADIA.
this blog post is not for those of you who have not listened to the song Circus by Britney Spears.
Namira: Nadia, do you know the lyrics to the song Circus?
Nadia: Yeeeeah. I think so.
Namira: okay I will sing it and you have to guess the next word when I stop. Nadia: Okay.
Namira: There's only two type of people in the....
Nadia: world.
Namira: The ones that entertain and the ones that....
Nadia: Don't.
Nadia: what?
Namira: Well baby I'm a put on a show kind of...
Nadia: person.
Namira: don't like the back seat, gotta be..
Nadia: the front seat.
Nadia: WHAT?
what only Nadia. Haha. Good times with my lovely fantastic sister.
Sunday, January 18, 2009/6:33 PM
You know, this has turned out to be the most bittersweet weekends EVER. It all started on Saturday (I know for some of your weekends start on Friday night BUT MINE JUST STARTS ON SATURDAY OKAY?) Ahem. So on Saturday I woke up at the normal timing thinking 'Uh, what am I supposed to do today?' When suddenly it all dawned on me.
I looked at the clock and I realised it was eleven o'clock. I got up feeling utterly lethargic when Syafiqah called me.
Syaf: Namira are you going today? Please say yes.
Namira: Oh my god Syaf. The thing is, I don't think I can.
Syaf: WHAT?! WHY NOT?!
Syaf: NAMIRA! You made my heart stop, okay?
Syafiqah is so dramatic.
After a couple of hours of moping around (and when I say moping, I meant lazing around the house and not using a mop and making the floor clean), I got ready, still undecided on what to wear. What do you wear to a gig? Oh well.
Met Syafiqah, and then went to Siska's house for a while. The thing about Siska's house is, it's very high. Well relatively high. It's on the eighth floor. So the wind was very very absurdly strong up there. Syafiqah kept standing up and doing a Rose from Titanic impersonation. What is wrong with the weather? Sheesh.
Bid farewell to Siska and made our way to the MRT. You know, I thought that since I was with Syafiqah alone, it won't be as crazy as it would have been if it were all four of us going out. Oh how I was mistaken. It was actually quite simillar. I kept making both of us laugh and then we kept hitting each other it was making the pregnant lady in front of us trying to sleep pissed off.
We stopped at Bugis. And then I let Syafiqah lead the way. HAHAHAHAHAHA. Her so called 'flawless' sense of direction was the most messed up thing ever. Haha. There were like signs telling her to go one way, and she went the other way. Then when I pointed it out to her she went all 'Uh.. YEAH but the sign doesn't show the nearest way.'
Syafiqah, Syafiqah. You're lucky I love you so much.
I stopped at Coffee Bean to buy me a Regular sized Double Chocolate Ice Blended Coffee. Syafiqah was so impatient! I asked her whether I should buy Belgian Chocolate or Double Chocolate then she said Belgian then I said, 'But I like double chocolate better.' Then she was like 'THEN BUY THAT ONE LAH!'
HAHA. Sharifah NurSyafiqah said Lah.
FINALLY, we made our way to the place. Met Nabilah and Sallyyy on the way because we didn't want to get lost walking aimlessly around Masjid Sultan like a couple of tourists. There were four people in a cool car wearing cool shades looking at me so I waved at them even though I didn't know who they were and they waved back. Don't believe me, ask Syafiqah.
When we were finally there, I was quite shocked because it was smaller than I expected. I went up with Syafiee and there was Haikal in an orange uniform, Faris holding our tickets, Hadi waiting for his turn to play, Nizam dancing around and Solomon with a camera. Mind you, the staircase was very narrow and the door opened inwards. Hence it was very squeezy.
Watched them play. It was very loud. I think my ears were very sensitive that day because usually, I would not have to adjust to that kind of volume. I knew some of the songs that Solomon's band were playing so I sang along. Nabilah wanted to mosh but I said that was a bad idea because... well it was. The place was so small and there weren't enough people.
Ain kept stealing my shades and wearing them even though it was dim enough. Syafiqah kept screaming stuff in my ear and I kept screaming back due to the immense volume. Haha. It was hilarious!
We sang the school song which was surprisingly fantastic considering it was suggested. Hence, they hadn't planned for it but winged it. The last long was fantastic (isn't it always?) The last song was Check Yes Juliet. The singer sang it so effortlessly.
SO it was bloody cool. SO going for more gigs there from now on.
Ate at Zam Zam with Syafiqah, Nabilah, Ain(who was wearing her Swensen's uniform), Nurli and Amanda. ALyah and ChocolateBox(Sally) had to leave early. We ate and talked and laughed. It was so much fun. I am going to bring the entire of hulabagi there one day. Should be interesting.
After the whole shindig of events, I went home or in that case my parents picked me up and they had a surprise for me.
and I think it's the same model as Mary's.
They brought me to Malaysia to visit my grandparents on THE NIGHT ITSELF. I couldn't be more happier.
Today I came back. That's why it was bittersweet.
Friday, January 16, 2009/5:29 PM
Mr. Jeremy,
I am an avid reader of your work. I look forward to reading your articles every week because I think that your views about several movies are light-hearted and witty.
I admire your writing style and how you are able to engage the reader when you are describing your movie viewing experiences. I've always thought your comments were fair and just but a recent article of yours left me baffled.
Ever since I heard that the movie Twilight would be coming out at the end of 2008, I was anticipating your review on it. I'd wonder about how you'd find the movie and whether your opinions were parallel to mine.
I had set an expectation of the movie, like many others had done. I am a fan of the Twilight Series and Stephenie Meyer. However, let me just say first off that this letter of mine was not the result of a deranged teenaged girl addiction gone wild.
I would just like to express my views in a very mature manner and I would appreciate that your judgement of my sincerity on the matter would not be clouded by the fact that I am sixteen going on seventeen this year. Youths are capable of rational thought.
Let me first start off by asking, have you ever read any of the Twilight books before? I'm assuming that you had considering the fact that you were skeptical of the popularity of the series. That, or you were too quick to judge. I understand that you were adversed to the idea of watching Twilight. But why? Aren't movie reviewers supposed to watch movies and give appropriate comments regardless of their fancy for the movie or otherwise and not let their prejudice get in the way?
Nonetheless, I am not here to question your reliability as a journalist. I am writing this so that perhaps the other side of the story can be brought forward. Perhaps, I would be able to give reasons for why the movies and the books are they way the are.
Everything isn't what it seems to be anymore. Like blood-sucking mythological creatures. Characters so dark and so malicious that we would not even stop to consider the fact that they were once human, with feelings and emotions, with passion and yearning. Why? Because they do not exist in our world. How can we make sense of something that is not there? It is because we all lack something that is needed to make sense of things that are nonsense and vice versa. It is something called imagination.
We all need a little nonsense in our lives. Nonsense keeps us sane. We cannot chain ourselves to objectivity and soulless comprehension.
Stephenie Meyer broke free of the boundaries of imagination and with that, gave a whole new definition to the term Vampire. She made something that was so unreal into something we can relate to. She made perfection imperfect.
Number 1: Repeating High School.
If you were a teenaged immortal and wanted to live a life free of murder and loss while maintaining inconspicuous, you'd have to repeat high school. It's not about academics or education with them. It's about maintaining their disguise. Their camouflage. It's about keeping their 'superhuman powers' in check.
Sure they could go around the whole world killing humans and drinking their blood and exercising their 'powers' but they were once human too. You're a human. Don't you feel adversed to the idea of killing? I do. It's something called compassion and humanity.
Number 2: Vampire houses and sleeping.
Yes they do not need sleep. So? The whole 'doom and gloom' spooky castles idea is so outdone. Vampires are also materialistic, you know. Meanwhile, don't you think a castle in the middle of Washington is a hint too noticable? I don't know about you but I sure don't want mobs at my front door holding stakes and torches wanting to kill me.
I know what you're thinking. Just kill them right? See paragraph about compassion.
Number 3: Their outfits.
My goodness. Where is your imagination? Are you so incredibly bound to the idea of vampires in capes? I'm sure Sesame Street got this right. Does that mean that Vampires should go around calling themselves The Count and start counting all the cookies that Cookie Monster wants to eat or how many crayons Elmo should bring to his birthday party?
It's something called positive reinvention. Taking something that is so unreal, twisting and turning it until it becomes a subject that can be understood and positive. Nothing is as bad as it seems because there is always a story or an explaination behind it. Please don't take anything I've said to heart. I was not meaning to personally slam you or anything. I am still a fan of your work and I still look forward to your articles.
After all the evil that is consuming the world, don't you think that a little good might help? What with all of the economic crisis, war in the Middle East and floods in the region, perhaps thinking that there will always be some good in someone or something, or that everything will turn out well eventually, might be best for the world.
We all need positive reinvention.
Yours truly,
Namira Nasir.
PS: His name is EDWARD. Not Ed.
Thursday, January 15, 2009/9:56 PM
my thoughts you can decode.
SO. Tadi I keluar dengan aku punye member. HAHA.
Okay. Today, I went out with my girlies. Namely, Sharifah and Ameera. Or Syafiqah and Siska if you insist on calling them that. My other Sharifah (Maryam) sadly could not make it today because she was busy. So we made the best of what we had.
It would make more sense to just post the pictures here but the pictures are with SISKA so it would be approximately a hundred years before you'll ever get to see them. But they're alot. And they're all pretty. Today we didn't exactly have a purpose when we went out but we called it our CAMWHORING DAY/OUTING because it made us feel better to think we actually did something today.
Another thing, didn't any of you NOTICE that it was super windy AGAIN today? hmm.
Oh well. First of all, we wanted to go bowling (....) because we thought it would be fun to laugh at ourselves while attempting the sport. So we made our way to SAFRA but we turned back once we reached the bowling alley.
Want to know why?
Well my darlings, when we arrived, we were surprised to see the vast number of students there from the ITE nearby. So we ran into the toilets because we could feel the stares boring into our backs saying 'hey, this is our hangout. get your own one girls.' So in the restroom, we discussed our options rationally. Well not really we were freaking out because we felt so out of place. SO we decided on another venue and strode out hopeful that we didn't look absurd going into a bowling alley just for the toilet.
We made our way to Downtown (everything's waiting for yoouuuu), spent twenty six dollars on two games of bowling each, three pairs of bowling shoes and three pairs of socks (....). Siska won both times. But Syafiqah, SHE SCORED A STRIKE. Yupe, you heard me. SHARIFAH NURSYAFIQAH CAN BOWL LADIES AND GENTLEMEN. Don't let her tell you otherwise. She's lying. She rocks.
Our arms were aching after all the heated action. So we went to eat lunch. We went to fish&co and KFC for takeaway, went to the beach and ate. It was windy as a hurricane there. And there was some school camp there so they kept walking past us, preventing any oppurtunity of ultimate camwhoring. But we did so anywaay. Because we are three quarters hulabagi.
After a whiiiiile went to ehub to camwhore somemore. Went to the fifth storey toilet so we could get some alone time to take pictures but there were still people there unable to contain themselves any longer and forced to tear themselves away from the KBOX-ing and beer drinking. But we got some shots anyway of us. Which is good.
We went to Mcdonald's for some mcflurry. We took three videos. One from me, one from Syafiqah, one from Siska. And then guess who arrived. Hadi and Xuan Jie! They were by themselves. They sat down with us. I chatted with Hadi about our JAE choices when suddenly decided to play would you rather. Uh-oh. So fun sia.
We went home naik bas and trying to convince Siska of the possibilities.
Wednesday, January 14, 2009/9:59 PM
jedi aana: OH MY GOODNESS YOU HAVE A BLOG AGAIN? Good, I miss your profound writing. Hahaha.
syafiqah: that's why ah! he just anyhow slam the book even though he doesn't know what the bloody hell he was saying. He needs to read the book and the series to appreciate it. He shouldn't have set a mentality of the movie before watching it.
hadi: well maybe you think he's right. But yeah. even you won't say such horrible things about the book. I think his ex-girlfriend's name is Stephenie. And I promise I will not use bad words, when I actually find the strength to do it.
RRE: I don't think he understands the idea of reinvention. He thinks that everything is set in stone and should be retained the way it is. He is the stereotypical person who has never read Twilight but hates it because of the HYPE it's getting. Heyy thanks Farreha babe:) I don't think you needed the luck I wished you because your results ROCKED.
ky: THANK YOU SO MUCH KUAN YONG. I didn't say goodbye to you that day! HOW RETARDED of me. We need to meet up in case we don't see each other again.
ngalam: HEY NGALAM. THANK YOU SO MUCH. I saw you crying in joy. You must have done brilliantly as well.
syafiqah: HAHAHA TEN POINTERS UNITE. Yes, it is undeniably true that we rock and own. haha. o.0
Tricia: HEY TRICIA BABE! thank you ever so much! haha my blog post sounds like the way I talk. You have your own style too and I think it's brilliant.
SLMD: um, I hope you don't mind me asking but are you alright? You seemed quite distressed on your blog. I'm sure you're simply marvelous in whatever you do. Don't be too hard on yourself. You're welcome, he has been a major motivation for me as well.
mary: Maryam, you don't know how much we insanely love you back. AND I CANNOT THINK OF ANYTHING I WOULD RATHER DO WITH YOU GIRLS. (:
/9:30 PM
I love my boyfriend.
I would first of all wish a happy two monthsary to Ammar Zafran, my beloved boyfriend. May there be more to come(:
I went out with Zafran today. I was supposed to plan the entire thing but I arrived at his bustop with absolutely no clue in my head as to what we were doing. I just wanted to spend some time with him because it was the 14th. I didn't really care where we went even though my day started off badly. I lost my ezlink card, I couldn't find anything to wear and my psp refused to work at the time.
So I ended having an absolutely brilliant time with him, no surprise there. I beat him at a game of bowling but he beat me twice. We ate ice-cream and we sat under my block at the staircase for a while and chatted. Even those simple things made me happy. I love you Zafran.
Was it just me or was it bloody windy today? The wind was like a taufan or a hurricane practically. It kept blowing my sunglasses away.
Tuesday, January 13, 2009/4:42 PM
Okay, I promised a rundown of what happened yesterday so HERE I AM. The 12th of January was definitely a remarkable day for all of us who were present. It was a day of mixed emotions and feelings. It's as if everyone was PMS-ing.
In the WEE hours of the morning(well not that early, this is HULABAGI we are talking about) at around 10, I was expecting three young ladies for guests. At around nine fifty a.m I was still vacuuming my house and cleaning up my room (yes girls, this is what I do for you). This was their expected time of arrival:
Siska: 10a.mMaryam: 10.30a.m
Syafiqah: 11a.m
But at ten fifteen, no show from SISKA but I got a call from Mary asking me to go down and get her. So with PSP in hand, I dragged myself out of my house to fetch Mary from Loyang Point. When I approached her and when she hadn't noticed me yet, her face showed signs of worry and remorse (for what I also don't know). First thing she said to me was
'WAH TEN MINUTES AH.' followed by a
I brought her over and I sat her down and we watched the Golden Globes together. It was really funny and we kept laughing at everything. Syafiqah called then to ask whether she could come over earlier and I said of course she could. When she arrived (NOTE: Siska hasn't arrived yet) her hair was down and she looked calm and the first thing she said to me was
'OH MY GOD NAMIRA DID YOU SEE JOHNNY DEPP ON THE GOLDEN GLOBES JUST NOW?' And I was like... No, I missed it. When in my heart I was silently grieving upon missing the great presence of Mr.Depp.
While all three of us were watching tv SISKA arrived (FINALLY) and when I went to open the door for her, all she could say was
'HEH HEH. EH NAMIRA, YOU KNOW WHEN YOU CALLED ME JUST NOW RIGHT, I JUST WOKE UP YOU KNOW.' Did I mention that I called her at ten fifteen?
So HULABAGI had reunited. And when we had, the jitters came crashing back and we were nervous once again. Well at least we had company.
The girls kept disturbing me for disturbing my brother, Hakim. Well hello? He was acting like a naughty boy. My mom was there! Haha. Yeah.
We watched the golden globes while I was desperately searching for JOHNNY DEPP's face but failed. After a while I switched off the television and we had 'lunch' and watched ANASTASIA which was beautiful. After a while, the girls got tired of just sitting still and when Siska asked
'Namira, can I see your room?' I immediately panicked because my room is a disaster area. Thank God I cleaned it up before they came.
The girls
played with my guitar which had a string missing (yes my guitar, you heard me), played with my matches and candles and we acting like a cult,
writing their names on my mirror with a whiteboard marker,
burning a scrap of paper the found with the candle,
taking candle wax and dipping their fingers inside and all sorts of things.
We watched our nostalgic video on YOUTUBE of us singing Oh Mother when we were all professionally singing and not walking off stage and all that and were having a good laugh in my balcony. While they played in my room, I went to iron my uniform. I could hear laughter and chatter coming from my room.
When it was finally time to leave, I abandoned the girls for a while to say my words of farewell to my mother. I told her I was nervous and she was all Don't Worry and I gave her a hug and told her I love her because she was my strength throughout everything. After the girls bid farewell to my mother, we left, with a hole in our lurching hearts as we pondered upon the results awaiting for us at school.
We walked to school, at times silently, at times bellowing out some random song just to distract ourselves. My girls were so incredibly nervous.
Mary was afraid for her maths and prayed for 100% passes for mathematics, Siska was incredibly nervous and was worried about disappointing her parents,
Syafiqah was collected but when she did speak of her results her voice was a tad shrill and worrying.
Oh God, what was coming for us? The problem was, we didn't know. The problems also was, we were about to find out.
When we were approaching school, I sang
Once upon a December from the movie Anastasia because it fit so well with everything. Mary and Siska told me to stop because it was making the more nervous but Syafiqah urged me to continue because I was her 'tonic'. Aw. that's so sweet.
We saw everyone going up to the hall and we were like
'WHAT?! WE'RE GOING UP ALREADY? WHAT I'M NOT READY. I DON'T WANT TO GO UP.' And we realised we weren't the only ones afraid. A whole group of four eight students were eyeing the staircase up nervously and others we just trembling because we were in such close proximity to our future.
At the hall, I felt the air in the atmosphere a bit colder than usual and my legs were feeling weak all of a sudden. I saw everybody sitting in classes and I saw
Zafran. When I saw him, I felt a little reassured. No matter what happens, I will always have Hulabagi, and I will always have Zafran. I wanted to sit beside him because he was
MY tonic but we had to sit in register order. And I wouldn't have had it any other way because Nadzirah is one person that can make me feel hopeful and brave because she's been my good friend for two years already.
I met Mrs. Sheri's eyes and she gave me a look for a long moment but looked away quickly. 'What was she hiding? DID I DO BADLY? crap crap crap crap crap.' I started to get paranoid. I shook Syafiqah's hand because I wanted to. And I sat down, waiting for a voice to fill the air.
And it did.
Mrs. Sheri welcomed us all, and acknowledged Mr. Ong as Doctor. Ong. That was a comic relief and everyone laughed nervously. He started with the quote:
To accomplish any goal, you need a dream. You need to see yourself making it happen. But it goes beyond the idea and the vision. You have to do your homework. You have to put your goals in writing, plan your steps and take them one at a time.There was this girl he spoke of. A girl who asked for his signature for a Bursary Award she had the oppurtunity of receiving. A girl who said 'Sure, no problem.' when he asked to quote the saying on the wall and did so effortlessly. Yupe.
That girl was me. HAHAHAHA. Which is funny when you look at it from my angle.
Started off. Then Mrs. Sheri claimed the mike once again to say the names of those who did well and scored four or more distinctions. When the title did come out, there was a sharp intake of breath from the entire cohort. This was what we were waiting for wasn't it? Oh God, help us all. We were all so scared. I closed my eyes and prayed.
I saw Syafiqah's name and nearly cried because I was so happy for her. I wanted to scream but my heart was in my throat.
I was so proud of her I nearly forgot my apprehension.
FIVE DISTINCTIONS: I wanted to cry here as well because my name wasn't up there. At this point of time, I had already surrendered all hope of getting any recognition. In my mind, it was five distinctions or nothing. BUT MERIDYN GOT FIVE DISTINCTIONS. I SCREAMED LIKE HELL FOR MY MEI.
SIX DISTINCTIONS: I saw Farreha's name first and I started screaming. BUT THEN I SAW MY FREAKING NAME.
Namira Binte Abdul Nasir, so beautifully written. And then I started crying. I was so overcomed with emotion I couldn't take it anymore. I couldn't stand up because I was so shocked. Everyone was like screaming at me because I wasn't standing up. When I did because I was the last one to take it, I could hear the lyrics 'There can be miracles, when you believe...' in my heart. I went to shake Dr. Ong (yes I call him that now because I respect him) and I could hear Zameerul and Mustaqim shouting 'WOOOOOH JENNY! BAIK AH JENNY!' Mrs. Sheri winked at me and I mouthed thank you to her because she is the best teacher ever. When I shook his hand I wanted to say 'I was that girl who said the quote to you' to him but I sounded so choked up. BWAHAHAHAHA.
Barely made it back because I was so weak. Everything moved so fast after that. All I could think about was my mother and father. Their reactions to my results. My parents, everything they've done for me. SO I cried some more because I would be NOTHING without them. I love them so much.
Mama and Abah, thank you so much for blessing me with your love and support.
When I finally woke up, Yang Ting was leaning behind and was telling me not to cry and started patting my knee. I love you sister. She made me laugh and I felt so appreciative of her. Shabrina gave me tissues and I love her so much. Nadzirah was there congratulating me and I love her. I turned to Siska because she was crying.
SHE PASSED ENGLISH. SHE WAS SO FREAKING OVER THE MOON and I went to her hugged her and cried with her all over again. It was not helping that me and Siska was both moody at the time. BUT WHO CARES. I WAS SO HAPPY FOR HER.
I searched for a face but
Syafiqah came up to me instead to tell me MARYAM PASSED MATHS. I WAS LIKE I KNEW IT AND WENT TO MARYAM. Mary, sobbing hysterically leaned on my shoulder and wept 'Namira.... I passed Maths..' I hugged her and told her 'I TOLD YOU SO.' I wanted to throw a party for her! MARYAM PASSED MATHS OKAY? I love all of you Hulabagi.
The face I looked for was not there.
Suddenly when I was sitting down, Zafran was there. He congratulated me and I asked him how much he got. He said.. 'Not so good' with a voice so sad I wanted to cry. He didn't sit down with me and my heart fell. He didn't want to talk about it so I let him walk away after a half-hearted smirk. The first thing I thought,
'Was it my fault.' I shook off the idea because I knew he'd hate me thinking like that. But it was nagging at me.
I went to talk to my other friends like Nabilah, Alyah, Hadi, Azmi, John and all that. I passed Hadi the money I owed him and congratulated him for getting 10 like me! I talked to John for a bit and I promised him an outing. I gave both Nabilah and Alyah hugs I promised them.
Oh yeah. I called my parents. SCREAMING. MY MOM SCREAMED. My dad seemed softer than usual. I SAW NADIA AND I HUGGED HER BECAUSE I LOVE MY SISTER.
Went back inside and mustered all the courage I had and talked to MRS. LOW. GASP. I apologised for everything and all the trouble I had put her through. I thanked her for scolding me all the time and the dress she gave me for my birthday. I hugged her because I have to admit, I ike her alot and she said 'Nobody is going after you in JC. It's all you.' I love you
Mrs. Low.
I looked around at my school. My hall. My friends. My family for FOUR amazing years. I nearly cried when I said my final goodbye to Jun Hong and Eng Liang because I love them so much. When I walked out of school with my Hulabagi girls, I felt a stab in my heart for leaving. I love you PRCS. Please don't change. Well, don't change totally.
Keep the librarian. She's really nice.
Went to IN with my girls, all the time feeling a burden in myself for the entire thing. I called Zafran to ask where he was, he told me he was wandering. I was so worried but I shan't elaborate. Me and the girls looked back on everything we've underwent. How extremely happy we were with our results. The whole Half JC and Half Poly thing. But one thing we never talked about was our seperation. I think we were trying to avoid the subject at all costs subconsciously.
I don't see any reason to talk about it now.
I would like to post some SHOUTOUTS now because I want to.
TO FARREHA: Congratulations FOR GETTING TOP STUDENT BABE! you are absolutely an inspiration! congrats congrats congrats! WILL MISS YOU!
To SLMD: Thank you for your wish on your blog. I am eternally grateful for everything you've done. Please, please, please don't be too hard on yourself because you were the strongest motivation he ever had. He cannot thank you enough for everything you've done. He loves you.
To MOM AND DAD: Dear Parents, you will always be in my prayer. Thank you for everything that you have given me. Scoldings, clothes, food and all that. You are the best two people in my life and I love you so much.
TO HULABAGI: SISKA MARYAM AND SYAFIQAH. You guys don't know how much an impact you've made in my life. I cannot express my heartfelt devotion to you guys. I love every minute I spend with you guys. Thank you for being there. INFINITE X's AND O's.
To Zafran: My dearest Zafran. Thank you for entering my life. I cannot express how much I am grateful for everything you've helped me with. For your reassurances, your words and motivation. It won't have been the same without you. I'm sorry. I love you, Zafran. Please please know that.
Monday, January 12, 2009/9:44 PM
That is how my brain is like right now. Isn't it great? MY BRAIN IS MUSHED UP INTO MUSHES OF MUSHY MUSHED MUSH.
Okay, I love my results. That's all I can say about it.
I want to give a shoutout to my GIRLS in HULABAGI who scored unbelievably well because they rock.
And to my Zafran, I'm sorry I wasn't there. I know it was 'unconcerning' of me but I really wanted to. I love you.
Will talk about the entire thing tomorrow if I can wrap my head around the whole idea.
/7:39 AM
When it comes, it brings the chaos and happiness along with it.
Just a quick wish to everyone for today, may we all be blessed with good results today. May we be able to make our school, our parents and ourselves proud. It doesn't matter about what turns up on the piece of paper we're getting. What matters is how we make the best of what we've got and to not commit suicide because that would be terribly gory and there'd be blood everywhere and it is just ehk.
So to save everyone the hassle of cleaning up after someone's little tragic suicide, let's all go to the hall with high spirits and a strong heart.
God knows we need it.
Sunday, January 11, 2009/12:34 PM
I've been waiting for this review ever since I heard that the Twilight movie was coming out last year. I have waited and waited for this movie reviewer to state his opinion about Twilight and have it published for the entire of Singapore to see. In case you guys haven't read it, I am posting it here now.
Give me a vampire that sleeps in a coffin in a spooky castle, not one living in a designer home.
by Jeremy Au Yong.
What with the raging economic crisis, war in the Middle East and floods in the region, I thought this week I would tell you about a movie I watched last weekend.
The movie is called
Twilight, which is based on a book written by a woman named Stephenie Meyer.
Both book and movie have proved to be huge hits here and around the world, for reasons not completely clear to me.
Let me first be clear that I was completely against watching this movie. I wanted to watch Ip Man, but I was outvoted, then dragged kicking and complaining into the cinema.
Anyway, you know how it is sometimes when you are really sceptical (this is how he spelled it) about something, but later find out that it's actually really good? Twilight is not one of those cases.
All it did was reinforce a long-standing hunch I had:
Women are capable of taking the fun out of everything.This is especially true of things which guys enjoy alot, such as video games, comics and, of course,
football. Put the wrong sort of woman into the mix and you may find every ounce of fun squeezed out of it.
Twilight seems like the result of taking the uber-cool subject of bloodsucking super vampires and turning the whole thing over to someone's 13-year-old sister.
Let me give you a quick rundown of the plot.
The story revolves around a vampire named Ed and his human biology lab partner Bella.
The two fall in love (duh) despite Ed's initial attempts to stay away from her by skipping bio lab. This cunning plan did not work because he- and remember this is a vampire talking- "did not have the strength" to stay away from her.
Bella, in turn, is not turned off by this rakishly good-looking albeit very pale lab partner. In fact, she is intrigued by him. perhaps because she knows he is rich, can read minds, has superhuman strength, yet goes to high school.
He tells her his secret, but she still loves him and everything is just fine and dandy until a game of baseball when an evil vampire looks at her the wrong way.
The some other stuff happens which I won't spoil for you,
assuming you still want to watch it after reading this.
In short, Twilight is Dracula meets Sweet Valley High meets a lobotomy.
I mean I can understand there being some romance, but it should be more the "you wronged my loved one, I will now avenge her with all the powers of darkness" sort of romance. And not the "Oh, I'm in pain because I want you but I can't have you" sort.
Vampires do not yearn. When a vampire wants a girl, he transforms into a bat, flies over there, bites her and she's his. He does not need to call his victim to arrange a meeting in a ballet studio. (This also happens in the film although not with the handsome vampire but with a plaid-wearing redneck vampire.)
And another thing: Vampires are nocturnal creatures. When sunlight touches their skin, they burn and slowly start to disintegrate or something close to that. They do not- and this is
Twilight's biggest insult- sparkle like diamonds in the sun. Do not confuse a legendary icon of horror with
My Little Pony.
Also, given a choice, nobody who is immortal and has superhuman powers would spend his time repeating high school.
What is this fascination with high school? It seems every other show in TV is set in high school and women -
even those who left high school a long, long time ago- simply love it. How else do you explain 90210, Gossip Girl and One Tree Hill?
Most of their feature actors, who are in their mid-to late 20s, are too old to be in high school unless they have been forced to repeat.
Perhaps they are also vampires. But back to Twilight.
It is common knowledge that vapires do not need sleep. They
sleep in coffins in the basement of spooky castles. They do not lounge around multi-million-dollar designer homes listening to an extensive CD collection.
And finally, vampires wear a
black cape, not a trendy sweater-pants ensemble. Even Sesame Street got this right. Fashion is not a vampire's concern. A vampire's concern is not having to scrub blood stains out of cream slacks.
So, yeah, thanks for ruining vampires for me. I'm going to let this one go but please, I beg you, leave all the other horror icons such as werewolves, Frankenstein and zombies alone.
I mean, who knows what will happen of we leave this unchecked.
One day in the future, kids will grow up thinking a werewolf is this guy who turns into a Pomeranian during a full moon and rides around in a socialite's handbag, pooping diamonds and eating canapes, but not too many, in case his human form gets fat and he won't be popular in high school which he just moved to where everybody is so much richer than him, including this girl he really likes, who seems a bit mean but is actually just misunderstood.
And we certainly wouldn't want that. It would make werewolf movies really unfun, and we need all the fun we can get, what with this economic crisis, war in the Middle East and floods in the region.
Alright. This is Namira speaking now. This is what Mr. Jeremy had to say about Twilight. I have basically classified Twilight movie goers into two groups. People who love Twilight and People who hate Twilight. There is no in between. There is no indifference.
You must be a fan or a hater.
I am not a hardcore fan of the movie but I love the book insanely. I mean, even a normal person would think that this review was a tad too harsh. It's not as if Stephenie Meyer was his Ex-girlfriend until she dumped him or something.
So I am going to compose a reply to this. And I am going to send it to him. But first I will post it here to see what you all think. I need all the reviews I can get. I will abstain from vulgarities and profanities as much as I can.
Saturday, January 10, 2009/4:58 PM
Yesterday, me and my boyfriend Ammar Zafran were talking on the phone after watching Mamma Mia. Since both of our families were sleeping at the time, we couldn't talk too loud. He kept having to say 'What? Huh? Namira can you repeat?' So I kept having to repeat myself. One day we are going to go up to the Starhub building at God knows where and complain.
Well me and Zafran were talking about how he never pays attention when I bring him to watch movies he is not a fan of like Twilight. So I decided to quiz him about Twilight to see whether he was paying attention. It was so funny talking to him while having to keep quiet that my stomach hurt so badly.
Namira: Okay Zafran, you know the Asian guy in the movie, what's the name of his character?
Zafran: OH THAT GUY okay I know. His name is..... Andy right?
Namira: ANDY?! WHO IS ANDY?! His name is Eric!
Zafran: Same also what.
Namira:.... Okay name me all the Cullens.
Zafran: Uh...Haha. Okay. Edward.... Alice... Jasper... Emmett... Rosaline...
Namira: ROSALIE.
Zafran: Ah kay whatever. And um..... what's the names of the other two..
Namira: Hello!? Their names are so important.
Zafran: Whatever uh. Mommy Cullen and Daddy Cullen.
Namira: HAHAHAHA WHAT?! Okay okay. What's the name of the high school?
Zafran: Oh so easy.. Pasir Ris High School. Okay no? Um.. Ontario High School? Can you give me a clue?
Namira: It's a utensil.
Namira: IT'S FORKS.
Zafran: Whatever.
Namira: Okay what are the names of the nomads?
Zafran: What did you say? (darn you starhub)
Namira: what. are. the. names. of. the. nomads?
Zafran: OH okay. I know this. The girl's name is...umm... Rose right?
Namira: *speechless* mhmm.
Zafran: Ah yes! The cool African dude is.... Julian. I know it.
Namira: *beyond speechless* mhmm.
Zafran: The lead blonde one is.. hm I can't remember. Is it Robert?
That did it.
Zafran: Okay I know it's not Robert lah but at least the other two correct right?
Namira: .....
Ladies and Gentlemen, may I present to you, my boyfriend, Ammar Zafran. Sweet-talker, charming, but clueless. But my boyfriend nonetheless.
Friday, January 09, 2009/12:23 AM
ps: Duh it's your dress.
Thursday, January 08, 2009/8:41 PM
When Namira is in a bad mood, STAY AWAY.
I don't know why but I've been in a bad mood since morning. It stopped in the afternoon when I went out but then it came back when I returned home. I am not blaming my house at all. It's just that when I'm distracted outside, I tend not to think about you-know-what when it comes on you-know-when.
So when I went out today with my number one distraction in the world, I was very happy. I love going out, especially at this time when everything about me is so tense and Les Miserables. I feel like smashing my head against a wall because at least that is less agonizing that the wait or the arrival. GAH.
My heart beat, beats me senselessly.,And my parents are the sweetest people in the world. My mother and my father are the best two people ever My dad is currently surfing the web for poly/jc courses because I can't be bothered to research. He's calling me to tell me how to fill my options and that I must have 12 options on my form. He's telling me what the MJC cut off point is (10). He's telling me that I can do it and that he will pray for me. It's heartbreaking and heartwarming all at the same time. I am only doing this for three people. Me. My father. My mother. All I want is for them to be proud and for them to not cry. I want them to believe that I have not gone AWOL and irresponsible. I am also doing this for God, but God is not a person.
Why’s everything got to be so intense with me.,I want to know my results now. I want to know my results never. Everytime I turn around, there must be some twinge of a reminder that whirls my mind to my results. Whether it's an advertisement of a poly open house on MSN, the word diploma in the newspaper, a course being endorsed on a website, or a lawyer appearing on the news, my heart burns at the sight.
What's worse is that even the most retarded of objects and incidents can hurt. Like a concert that has background dancers in them. I would think 'Is that what I would do when I grow up? Become a dancer inches away from the spotlight and never in it?' Or a mother pushing a baby girl on a pram, I would think 'Am I going to grow up, have children and not work? Maybe its because I am not qualified enough?' Or even a guy reading a book. I would think 'Hmm, I wonder if he's taking literature in Junior College. He looks like he's having a hard time. Maybe it's going to be like that for me..'
Ouch. Why must I not know?
I’m trying to handle all these unpredictability,.The italic red words are lyrics from the song Long Shot by Katy Perry. Thanks Alyah for introducing it to me.
I am burning. Ignore my facade. Devastation shrouds my dreams and my aspirations, making it hard to see. Forcing me in a bleak whirlpool of ignorance and loneliness. Flames of uncertainty burn my skin and steal my words. I am breathless and I am drowning in the fire. I cannot scream because there is nothing to say. No one to call, no one to turn to. Then you came, unphased by the heat and by the chaos. You saved me. You caught me. You broke my fall, now don't break my heart. I am burning. But now, the flames ignite, and I love it. Don't douse the fire.It wasn't a dream.
/6:41 PM
Blogging is slow these days, and I don't blame you bloggers.
GOD. Everything has just stood still. Everything has just stop moving, stop working. Nothing seems right anymore. Every second we spend we think is not worth spending as we inch towards our impending results that is the O word.
I don't know whyy. We just, don't want it to come. But at the same time, we want it to be done with. It's infuriating. I think that it is because we are humans. And we are sentimental like Liverpool fans. We are so bloody fickle minded that we don't know what the hell we want. We don't enjoy ourselves anymore. Not unless, not until, we get our results back.
And the problem is, we cannot be too happy.
Everytime we find a flicker of happiness in our lives, we seem to ignore it or even see it as a bad omen if we jinx our results while being happy. The problem with us is, we think alot. Too much. A trait we have adopted when the O'level preparations were ongoing. A trait that we cannot seem to shake.