Saturday, March 28, 2009/10:37 PM
We Get On - Kate Nashcelebrated Earth Hour today. it was very productive. but I couldn't do my homework so that was the downpart of it. I was really looking forward to a weekend of intense mugging. so I was so desperate for some knowledge that I used the light from my phone to enlighten me.
did you know only 10,000 singaporeans pledged themselves to the cause today? how unearthly. but I guess our country compensated for it by how enthusiastically several major establishments like the Fullerton and the Esplanade participated for the cause.
it just shows you that the world is not so evil.
I called Siska today and had quite a chat with her. she's sick and I pray she gets better soon. we were talking about how she was going to escape and become a jet-setting polythecnic student in a matter of weeks and how it's going to be harder for us to see each other and watch movies like Confessions of a Shopaholic or New Moon together and eat Pastamania like we always wanted to. I miss Siska. she has been my sunshine for six years now. I hope this doesn't mean an end to our friendship.
we both came to two major agreements today:
1. that we needed to find another OUS where we could meet up. sort of in the middle of the polythecnics and the JC. so that we could both travel about the same distance so neither of us would be at a disadvantage.
2. that if Steven Strait acted as Jacob, both of us wouldn't know which team to be on. Team Edward or Team Jacob. oh the horror.(f.y.i, currently, she's with the werewolves and I'm with the vampires.)
Friday, March 27, 2009/9:56 PM
this just proves to you the upmost stupidity of some people.
friends, most of you who read this are about my age. Maybe a few years ahead or behind. we're young, inexperienced. we don't exactly agree with it but we most certainly can't deny it. do you think the years we've lived entitle us to write a book?
miley cyrus has done exactly that. she has written a book called Miles to go (how cliche) and it is being sold all over America. it's a book about her 'life' and about how she was teased and mocked in school. she even wrote about how kids used to tease her dad about being a 'one hit wonder'. *don't break my heart, my achey breaky heart..*
she has also written about her apparent relationship with Nick Jones. she even regarded him as 'prince charming' and said that when she was with him 'time stopped'.
miss. cyrus, you're barely in your double digits and already you've written a book?
this post might seem a little trivial but I decided to post it anyway. just for laughs. I guess it was just to distract me from how crappy my life truly is. will post later and do Fadhil's quizz. blog quizzes. those were the times...
Wednesday, March 25, 2009/8:10 PM
Nicest Thing - Kate Nashilovekatenash.
oh ca-li-ma-sa-le.
I feel drained to be honest. I got four hours of sleep last night. Which to me, is over sleeping. I slept at twelve and woke up at four. I was supposed to wake up at three! Well it's not like I slept on purpose. I'm really in need of insanity. I have been such a conformer in school.
thank goodness for insane meridians. like danny, lei lei, kp, errfee, caveman's wife, nadiasz, lya-ah, syraf etc.
THANK YOU 09S104 for being the best class in MERIDIAN JUNIOR CLASS. iloveyouguys.
thank you also to SHARIFAH NURSYAFIQAH for being the bestest best friend and actually going to school with me in the morning. the jokes never get old syafiee.
Monday, March 23, 2009/8:29 PM
Murphy's Law strikes again. For all of you who don't really know what Murphy Law stands for is simply: Shit Happens. But in the worst possible way and at the worst possible time. well maybe today it happened to me not in the most possible way but I'll share it with you guys anyway.
I didn't sleep last night. but I daydreamed alot. while my mind was off somewhere a million miles away, I woke up. I was cracking my brain, trying to summon up the memory of what I was supposed to do that morning. after seven minutes of just staring into the black abyss of my empty room of solace accompanied only by a sister raked by the twists and turns of dreams, it struck me like a hundred helium balloons.
23 questions.
2 essays.
2 essay outlines.
reluctantly, I spent the rest of my morning, hungry for sleep but obligated by work. all my mind could think of was the softness of my pillow or the comfort that the darkness brought. but I clung on to my goal and ignored the lethargy.
the day was unusually cheery. everyone was smiling and laughing and enjoying themselves. at first, I took no notice, but as the day progressed, the cheeriness got the best of me. sooner or later, I found out that it wasn't everyone else that was supposedly too cheery, whereas, I was miss doom and gloom for the day.
lunch. one word. CHIONG. I skipped lunch today, and told myself I needed to skip a meal anyway. I sat at my canteen table and did whatever I could on my two undone essays. around me, my classmates chattered amongst themselves. how I longed to join them. how easily distracted I was.
the first bell echoed. oh no, I'm not even done yet. I decided to give up altogether and just face my fate at economics. mind you, my economics tutor isn't little miss sunshine, either. when I went in, my friend alicia was giving out the econs test. I got six. out of twenty five. oh well.
spent the entire period going through the paper. THE ENTIRE PERIOD. she didn't even touch the econs homework at all. so I woke up for nothing, skipped lunch for nothing and worried obsessively over nothing. me and faiz were so freaking pissed.
darn you murphy. on the bright side, I got 20.5/30 for my gases quiz. which is a good thing. even though it is a B.
I need to go do my maths tutorial now. darn you maclaurin.
all my love,
Sunday, March 22, 2009/1:18 PM
hello. you might be wondering where the heck I've been this past few days. Well it might be a big mystery to several of you but some of you must have known where I was. Or at least assumed.
to those who wished me a safe trip: thank you! I really appreciate it(:
ah yes. I went to MALAYSIA. -.- what were you expecting some exotic place like BALI OR SOMETHING? hahaha. hardly.
here's some messages to some people that I must convey though:
MARYAM- you lost your phone?!?! omg mary babe, I really know how you feel. I've lost mine like a million times. Don't worry. things will get better.
SISKA- hello sayang! WELCOME BACK TO SINGAPORE. please call me so that I can talk to you.
HULABAGI- I miss all of you.
to my handsome singer (green eyes)- get well soon. have fun in new york! talk to me soon and tell me everything about it.
09S104- you guys, I cannot finish my homework. DON'T WORRY. I always land myself in this situation. I MISS YOU GUYS. ESP THOSE WHO DIDN'T GO FOR THE OUTING.
nabilah- soulmate? o.0
I'll update soon okay? right now I'm too busy studying the application of Charles' Law.
Wednesday, March 18, 2009/11:54 PM
goodness I'm so bloody moody today.
I am so moody that I will not keep to my usual practice of capitalizing all my letters at the front of the sentence.
thank goodness I wasn't moody when I went to see my beloved class
09S104. or when I was sending my brother to the doctor in the morning. it would have made my day alot crappier. I
think my body is very smart. this is why I think so.
each day, one is assigned a certain level or standard of moodiness. one must fill that quota before the end of each day. it doesn't normally occur regularly. it can strike at any time of the day, and at any magnitude, so long as it doesn't exceed the given quota.
so today, my body was very nice to me. it allowed me to go through the morning and the afternoon bearing the least amount of moodiness as possible. but like I said, there is a quota to be filled.
I would like to that 09S104 for a LOVELY AND AWESOME AND WONDERFUL day out today. I had soo much fun. I laughed so hard I had to stop myself frequently from falling on the floor. even though it wasn't all of you, and we were supposed to be studying, thank you. MUST DO IT AGAIN, yeah? I had so much fun I think I am going to force you all to go out with me again. for real this time.
to farreha: please look at where you're going because number one, your food might look great, but it wouldn't look as good if it's on the floor. number two, if you look up, people can see how fantastic you looked. like my friend. he says you are pretty. I didn't want to tell you then because later you tell your boyfriend and yeah.
what is the sun?'hahaha. duh I know what the sun is. I'm not retarded. it's a planet but it's way too hot for people to live on so we stay here on world.'it's earth sweetie. and the sun is a star.'hahaha. that's what you think. and stars aren't that big einstein. they're like.. tiny. the sun is like five times bigger than a star.'stars have different sizes.WHAT. look in the sky! do you see any football sized stars? I don't think so.the sun is a star.dummy. stars are white. the sun is yellow.XOXOXOXO,
Monday, March 16, 2009/5:48 PM
my blog has been very depressing lately so I am going to try to chirp it up with an embarrassing(check my spelling) moment that I experienced today. here's how it went:
I was having my holiday nap this afternoon with my radio turned up to the max when my mother barged into my room and started hollering 'KEDAI KEDAI. Namira I ned you to go to sheng siong! NOW NAMIRA!' I was very irritated at my mother for interrupting my siesta and so I lugged my upper body out from under my pillows and said 'don't want.'
then the hollering took on a higher pitch so I decided to comply. I woke up, looked at my hair and said 'oh well.' Dazed, I went to the sheng siong. (for you foreigners that are reading my blog, sheng shiong is this shop that sells everything except well, military equipment and cars.)
When I arrived there, I saw a familiar face. It was Aqil. It was particularly nostalgic to see his face and then I remembered my face and my hair. They didn't look awful, just not desirable. I didn't want Aqil remembering me as the girl who didn't know how to make herself look presentable. Hence, a tarnished reputation that wasn't even bright to begin with would be made. Don't get me wrong, I like Aqil, it's just that I don't want him being freaked out by me.
omg danial. I think you're right. I do think too much into things.
oh well. so I decided to go buy bubble tea just to wander around. I ordered my usual,
Lady: yes girl?
Namira: um, one mango ice blended with colourful stars please. no pearls.
Lady: stars what kind?
Namira: colourful?
Lady: do you want pearl or not.
Namira: no.
Lady: plastic bag?
Namira: no.
Lady: anything else?
Namira: no.
Lady: one fifty?
Namira: I guess.
Lady: *laughs*
Namira: ...
Well after I had claimed my beverage which I had to order twice to get, I decided to poke my straw through it at that EXACT MOMENT. So I tried and tried and when I did, an explosion of mango ice blended started splurring everywhere. That lady, decided to, on that very day to fill up my cup to the brim so when I did, I had my own golden fountain. Thankfully, only about ten cents of my drink got out.
I apologised to the lady at the counter and beside me and turned away to hide my embarrassment(check it). When I turned around, there Aqil was. I waved sheepishly at him and mouthed hi. I still didn't know whether he saw my little water show or not. Oh well.
Dear Aqil, if you saw me, I swear I didn't do it on purpose.
to all of you, please do not laugh. you will all have your ice blended moments. or milk tea. or milk pearl tea. or chocolate. or vanilla ice blended.
take me away,
Saturday, March 14, 2009/11:25 PM
I feel hollow.
I feel bare, I feel pain.
do people really feel?
or are they disillusioned?
do they cry because they're sad,
or are they sad because they're crying?
why do people feel happiness?
why do they smile?
is it really necessary?
what happened to indifference, what happened to conformity?
maybe they're happy because they're not crying.
it's my turn now.
my turn to step on to the plate.
but, I don't feel like playing.
don't look at me, because I'll cry.
you know I love you so.
for you I'd bleed myself dry.
what happened? can anyone really tell?
can anyone really see?
don't ask. don't answer.
words I live by.
it's because of you,
I turn into something beautiful.
I cry when you do.
it's because of you,
I can laugh and cry at the same time.
it's because of you I know why people cry.
look at the stars, they shine for you.
I'm sorry I'm not good enough for you.
to you: thank you for singing to me.
Tuesday, March 10, 2009/9:02 PM
I just realised that I have a severely weak command of the english language in the morning. I don't know why but it just occured to me that I have absolutely no knowledge of what I'm writing at all when I am writing it. I just write. It's really embarrassing. I hope that's how you spell embarrassing. Ever since primary 4, I had been traumatised by my English teacher who made me write out that word twenty times because I kept spelling it wrong.
Everytime I want to spell the word library, I always, ALWAYS think about that episode in Sesame Street where they went to this elementary school and asked random students to spell the word 'library'. They asked kids in the hallway, in the cafeteria and even in the school bus. I wanted so terribly to spell the word right that I kept spelling it over and over for seven days. Seven days because that's the number of letters in the word library.
What was I thinking as a child?
I shall do really short posts nowadays because my timetable does not permit overposting, unnecessarily long-winded elaboration and over descriptions of details.
all my love,
/6:24 AM
hey kawan-kawan,
in case you didn't know, kawan-kawan means friends in malay.
Sigh, the measures I take just to improve my Bahasa.
Okay, right now I am in the process of getting ready for school. It's about six twenty five in the morning right now. I have to say that the weather has been acting strange lately. I don't know why but the temperature in Singapore has gotten to an unprecedented low these past few days. Okay perhaps my last line wasn't exactly factual but I think it's subjected to my own opinion.
I was studying with Danial and Meridyn just now when Danial brought up an interesting observation. 'When I went to Meridian, I had the culture shock of my life.' It's true, you know. Everything's different here. Just a random thought I wanted to share.
For your informasi, I am going to the Pasir Ris Crest Cross Country this Friday just for laughs and to laugh at my sister. But I will not be wearing school uniform along with other meridian junior college people because that day, we have no school to attend. Well rumour has it anyway. Nothing's set in stone.
I want to leave a quote in all of your minds right now which I found enlightening,
'The only constant, is change.'
goodbye lovelys.
Sunday, March 08, 2009/6:57 PM
My pet peeves have finally been realised;
I don't know it just seems that when you're in a very crowded area, your pet peeves magically appear out of nowhere. I mean really, you cannot imagine how many times I wanted to pull my hair out just to ease the frustration and the tingling urge in my fingers to hit something. I've never felt so violent. EVER. Okay maybe several times but I hate going to public places. I really do.
It's just the people you meet you know? It's unbearable. I hate it. HATE THEM. For instance,
1. People in IKEA who walk the wrong way. You know it IKEA there are designated directions you're supposed to follow. There are arrows on the floor leading the way. Big, fat, black arrows on the floor that even have a golden spotlight shining just on them so there is no possible way you can miss them.
Well there are still people who insist, INSIST, on going the other way. What are these people doing? Are you trying to show off your rebelliousness against the designation of paths? What is the matter with you people? And I can understand if a person needs to nip off back to a section so that they can put something back or check the price or something. But you don't have to bring your entire family of seven and the five trolleys you're bringing and stop abruptly, make a extravagant 180 degrees turn when people are walking behind you and tsk at people that are in your way. CONFORM PEOPLE, CONFORM. PLEASE. FOR CRYING OUT LOUD, FOLLOW THE ARROW. IT WASN'T CHEAP TO MAKE YOU KNOW.
2. People who queue up for food and when the reach the front of the queue out of nowhere all these family members start piling in and making orders. HONESTLY. I really really really despise this kind of people. How can all of you just slide in like that? It's not fair.
There I was, starving like hell because I've been walking around all day. There was this lady that I initially took absolutely no notice of because she was just a person in front of me. I was really happy by the time I was third in queue. All of a sudden, she flipped out her handphone and said 'Ya, you can come already.' Out of nowhere, five people started sliding themselves in front of me and I couldn't do anything but glare. I glared as though that would be enough. That lady caught my eye and she gave a snotty glance as if daring me to speak my mind and looked away. I was flabbergasted. Unable to just keep quiet like a stupid pushover, I said in the most sweetest voice I could muster, 'I'm sorry, but the sign says queue that way,' while pointing at the back of the queue.
All six of them turned and looked at me and gave me such antagonistic glares it made me slightly regretful for saying what I did. But suddenly out of nowhere, this teenaged boy dressed in a blazer said 'Yeah, she's right. Just go to the back and queue. The chicken rice isn't going to run anywhere.' in a slight accent. I was so grateful for him speaking up and the people behind us agreed. Five of them reluctantly went back to the queue leaving the lady by herself. I gave her a sweet smile and turned back to say thank you to my saviour. He said No problem and winked at me. Thanks to people like him, Singapore is not such a kiasu place.
3. People that queue up to ask for free stuff like napkins or spoons. Okay these people aren't exactly bad but I would just like to bring them up because their actions are really redundant. I know that inside their hearts, the have good intentions by not wanting to just waltz over to the front of the counter and ask for a spoon but it's not that bad.
Especially during lunch at fast food outlets, these people are a common sight. They are willing to queue up for an unbelievably long time just to ask for napkins. Like just now at LJS. If you want to just get something from the counter this is what you should do,
a) Go to the front of the counter.
b) capture the attention of the server by politely saying 'excuse me.'
c) Quickly ask for whatever you want.
d) take it.
e) get out of there.
so there are alot more that I have to endure but I'll talk about that another time.
I have to go eat rojak now.
God, I don't even like rojak.
what's wrong with me today?
moody bitch.
Monday, March 02, 2009/8:45 PM
okay as you've read from Maryam's blog, it's her 700th post! That is utterly insane. I mean she has consistently blogged seven hundred times! I mean, I knew that she updates alot but I didn't know it was that much! KUDOS TO YOU MARYAM BABY! hopefully more posts are on the way! loves..
By a miraculous coincidence I have an announcement to make as well. Shall I make it now? I don't know, you guys might think I'm lying because it is such a beyond belief, one in a million chance that this happens at the same time as mary's. But oh well, if you don't believe it, I'll take a picture of my dashboard and show it to you.
ahem ahem.
LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, THIS POST MARKS NAMIRA NASIR'S THREE HUNDREDTH POST!Okay it may pale in comparison to mary's magnificent feat, but hey, I'm proud of it. Not many hit the three hundred and still blog you know. Okay maybe there are alot but I'm still exceptionally happy. You all should know that I am not exactly a person who responsibly starts something and sees it towards the end. I'm more of a just leave one algebra question blank just for the love of it kinda girl.
Important learning points from today:
- Cab drivers are probably the most smartest people in the world.
- Memorise your junior college's address. (hey primary school children do it too!)
- Don't say that you want to slap your General Paper tutor's face too loud otherwise she'll hear you.
- Remember the Monday curse.
- Always give in to your best friend because you love her.
- Don't eat your pasta in front of your guy classmates otherwise they'll try to make it fall onto your skirt and start ridiculing you about periods, pads, puberty and stuff like that.
- China scholars are wonderful because they're are so refreshing and full of spirit that it just makes you want to stand up and dance.
- Be happy when you see a rainbow because it reminds you that even the worst of storms and rain could produce something so enchanting for no reason at all.
Sunday, March 01, 2009/11:30 AM
Okay so yesterday was a Sunday and it was officially the last day of February. See how fast time passes? It's already March. Sheesh. And what have I achieved in the past month? NOTHING. Nada. Ah well, there is always tomorrow or the next month. I'm getting the jitters for no apparent reason.
Ever heard of the Body Shop sale? Well before yesterday, I had absolutely no belief in such a bewildering concept. I mean, honestly. Body Shop is such an acclaimed establishment. Why in the world would it want to have a sale when it was already doing so well for itself? I couldn't wrap my head around it. Especially since all three of my girls, namely Siska, Maryam and Syafiqah have seen it for themselves! I was outraged. How could I have not seen such a marvel?
So yesterday, I was innocently walking around Parkway Parade with my family browsing through random shops and curiously glancing through the prices of movies. All of a sudden, as I was walking out of a shop, my brother approached me with a frantic look on his face.
Hakim: KAKAK! I have to show you something!
Namira: What? No, I am trying to stroll here Hakim. I'm in no rush.
Hakim: But, but, it's important Kakak!
Namira: Sigh, how important is it?
Hakim: It's more important than homework!
Namira: Fine, what is it?
He pulled me towards the railing and immediately I was wary. What was my brother up to? Then I looked over the railing and there was this big commotion underneath me. At first, I thought my brother was gesturing wildly to the toy shop across from me but then he said 'It's the perfume shop Kakak!'
Then I saw more clearly, my eyes zeroed in on the sign that was out of the ordinary. Though I couldn't make sense of the words. At all.
Body Shop.
Up to 70%.
What in the world. I've finally made it! I've seen the unseen! I am now part of the discount elite!

The crime scene. Where the commotion all began. Women battling for body shop items on discount.

The sign telling the discount story and fairytale.

My mother trying on body butter. 500ml for $16.90!

The queue was short considering the crowd consuming the items.

What the gentlemen do whilst waiting for the women to shop till they drop.
You know I've always had this dream that I would go into body shop try all the testers and walk out smelling like a bed of roses without having to pay a single cent.
what I dreamt of yesterday: Paris.